Santa Fe New Mexican



From the Santa Fe New Mexican:

Aug. 26, 1918: The Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce and the county council of defense are planning to give the fifty-five men leaving at 3:40 p.m. tomorrow for an army camp, a rousing farewell. There will be speeches at the depot and the band will turn out to play patriotic and martial airs. All the citizens of Santa Fe are invited to turn out and help give the boys a good send-off.

Aug. 26, 1968: It’s back-toschool for hundreds of students in Santa Fe, ranging from kindergart­en to the College of Santa Fe.

For mothers across the city, this morning marked the end of a summer vacation of not having to fix lunches, iron clothes, provide money and transporta­tion for children to and from school.

And for the pupils, it’s the end of summer fun and back to homework.

Besides the public schools, Cristo Rey Elementary, and Guadalupe School, De Fouri St., opened today.

Aug. 26, 1993: Former Santa Fe resident Amy Elizabeth Biehl’s murder by a South African mob Wednesday shocked many of her friends in Santa Fe, but no one seemed surprised by her work in the racially divided nation.

Biehl, a 1985 Santa Fe High School graduate, was remembered by former classmates and teachers as having strong political conviction­s and boundless energy. No one contacted late Wednesday evening was the least bit surprised that Biehl had, for the last year, been committed to the causes of the oppressed and the establishm­ent of democracy in South Africa.

It was the tragic circumstan­ces of her death that shocked many people.

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