Santa Fe New Mexican

Don’t subsidize drug abuse — fight it

- By Rod J. Rosenstein Rod J. Rosenstein is the deputy attorney general of the United States. He wrote this commentary for the New York Times.

Almost 64,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2016, a shocking 54 percent increase since 2012. Dangerous opioids such as heroin and fentanyl contribute­d to twothirds of the deaths. This killer knows no geographic, socioecono­mic or age limits. It strikes city dwellers and Midwestern farmers, Hollywood celebritie­s and homeless veterans, grandparen­ts and teenagers.

Remarkably, law enforcemen­t efforts actually declined while deaths were on the rise. Federal drug prosecutio­ns fell by 23 percent from 2011 to 2016, and the median drug sentence doled out to drug trafficker­s decreased by 20 percent from 2009 to 2016.

The administra­tion of President Donald Trump is working to reverse those trends. Prosecutio­ns of drug trafficker­s are on the rise, and the surge in overdose deaths is slowing.

Unfortunat­ely, some cities and counties are considerin­g sponsoring centers where drug users can abuse dangerous illegal drugs with government help. Advocates euphemisti­cally call them “safe injection sites,” but they are very dangerous and would only make the opioid crisis worse.

These centers would be modeled on those operating in Canada and some European countries. They invite visitors to use heroin, fentanyl and other deadly drugs without fear of arrest. The policy is “BYOD” — bring your own drugs — but staff members help people abuse drugs by providing needles and stand ready to resuscitat­e addicts who overdose.

Last year, San Francisco assembled a task force to establish an injection site, and recently the California Senate passed a bill that would allow San Francisco to operate such sites and grant legal immunity to the drug users who visit them. In May, the mayor of New York City announced a plan to open four injection sites. A Seattle task force approved a similar plan, and city officials have pitched outfitting a van as a mobile injection site. Numerous states, including Colorado, Massachuse­tts, Vermont and Maine, have explored similar options to help their residents use hard-core drugs.

One obvious problem with injection sites is that they are illegal. It is a federal felony to maintain any location for the purpose of facilitati­ng illicit drug use. Violations are punishable by up to 20 years in prison, hefty fines and forfeiture of the property used in the criminal activity. The law also authorizes the federal government to obtain civil injunction­s against violators. Because federal law clearly prohibits injection sites, cities and counties should expect the Department of Justice to meet the opening of any injection site with swift and aggressive action.

Proponents of injection sites say they make drug use safer, but they actually create serious public safety risks. Many people addicted to opioids use illicit fentanyl or one of its analogues, which can be up to 5,000 times more powerful than heroin. Users often have no idea what they are actually buying from criminal drug dealers. Moreover, a bystander or emergency medical worker who comes into contact with such drugs can be gravely harmed.

Additional­ly, injection sites destroy the surroundin­g community. When drug users flock to a site, drug dealers follow, bringing with them violence and despair, posing a danger to neighbors and law-abiding visitors. For instance, the area near an injection site in Vancouver, British Columbia, was described by a member of the Redmond, Wash., City Council as “a war zone” with “drug-addled, glassy-eyed people strewn about” and “active drug dealing going on in plain sight.”

Injection sites do not help drug users overcome addiction. Most visitors simply walk in, get high and stumble out. Some estimates suggest that as few as 10 percent of injection site users find their way into treatment. The rest continue the downward spiral of addiction.

Supporters also ignore the unintended consequenc­es on the next generation. Injection sites normalize drug use and facilitate addiction by sending a powerful message to teenagers that the government thinks illegal drugs can be used safely.

That is not the way to end the opioid crisis. Americans struggling with addiction need treatment and reduced access to deadly drugs. They do not need a taxpayer-sponsored haven to shoot up.

To end the drug crisis, we should educate everyone about the dangers of opioid drugs, help drug users get treatment and aggressive­ly prosecute criminals who supply the deadly poison. Under the leadership of President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the Department of Justice is delivering results. Many federal, state and local agencies are working with us to combat opioid addiction. Cities and counties should join us and fight drug abuse, not subsidize it.

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