Santa Fe New Mexican

Legal experts urge release of Watergate report


WASHINGTON — A question has loomed over Washington: What will special counsel Robert Mueller do when he wraps up his investigat­ion into whether the Trump campaign conspired with Russia and whether President Donald Trump obstructed justice?

The leading theory is that Mueller will write a report for his supervisor at the Justice Department. That could lead to a new fight: Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, has suggested that the White House may then invoke executive privilege and order the Justice Department to keep portions of such a report confidenti­al from Congress.

But there is historical precedent for another model. Echoing a move by the Watergate prosecutor in March 1974, the grand jury with which Mueller has been working could try to send a report about the evidence it has gathered directly to the House Judiciary Committee. And Friday, seeking to draw more attention to that option, three prominent legal analysts asked a court to lift a veil of secrecy that has long kept that Watergate-era report hidden.

Specifical­ly, the petition asks a judge to unseal a report that Leon Jaworski, the Watergate prosecutor, used to send Congress the evidence he had gathered about President Richard Nixon’s misconduct. Known as the “Road Map,” it was a 55-page index describing evidence and citing underlying testimony and tapes, but without any legal analysis or recommenda­tions about whether Nixon committed an impeachabl­e offense. While the Judiciary Committee had access to the Road Map, it has remained sealed from public view.

“This petition presents an extraordin­arily compelling interest in disclosure arrayed against a vanishingl­y small countervai­ling interest,” the court filing said, noting that the Watergate players are mostly dead and that much of the evidence is already public. It added: “Not only does the Road Map carry immense historical significan­ce in understand­ing the Watergate investigat­ion, it provides a key precedent for assessing the appropriat­e framework for Special Counsel Mueller to report to Congress any findings of potentiall­y unlawful conduct by President Trump.”

The petition was filed by Benjamin Wittes, a Brookings Institutio­n senior fellow and the editor-in-chief of Lawfare, an online publicatio­n that specialize­s in national security legal policy issues; Jack Goldsmith, a Harvard Law School professor and senior Justice Department official in the George W. Bush administra­tion; and Stephen Bates, a University of Nevada, Las Vegas, law professor who, as a federal prosecutor working for Ken Starr, the independen­t counsel who investigat­ed President Bill Clinton, co-wrote the report to Congress recommendi­ng that Clinton be impeached.

The three are represente­d by Protect Democracy, a government watchdog group.

It is uncertain how a Road Map-style grand jury report would play out in the TrumpRussi­a case. Justice Department rules permit Mueller’s supervisor to veto any unwarrante­d “investigat­ive or prosecutor­ial step,” but it is not clear whether asking a grand jury to send a report to Congress qualifies as such. Mueller’s supervisor is Rod Rosenstein, the deputy attorney general, but that could change if Trump fires him or Jeff Sessions, the attorney general, who has recused himself from the Russia investigat­ion, leaving Rosenstein as the acting attorney general for that matter.

The option of a grand jury report could also have implicatio­ns if Trump were to force the Justice Department to shut down Mueller’s investigat­ion. It is not clear what would happen if the grand jury members, on their own initiative, were to ask the judge presiding over their panel to transmit to Congress all the evidence they had gathered — without the executive branch’s request or approval.

Unlike Jaworski in 1974 and Mueller today, Starr was operating under a law — enacted after Watergate, and since lapsed — that clearly gave him the authority to send a report directly to Congress.

 ?? NEW YORK TIMES FILE PHOTO ?? Robert Mueller, the special counsel in the Russia inquiry, leaves meetings last year on Capitol Hill. Mueller is thought to be most likely write a report for his supervisor at the Justice Department when his investigat­ion concludes. But it is not his only option.
NEW YORK TIMES FILE PHOTO Robert Mueller, the special counsel in the Russia inquiry, leaves meetings last year on Capitol Hill. Mueller is thought to be most likely write a report for his supervisor at the Justice Department when his investigat­ion concludes. But it is not his only option.

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