Santa Fe New Mexican

Migrant caravan yards from border, but long wait ahead

Thousands now wait at shelter in Tijuana stadium to claim asylum

- By Elisabeth Malkin

TIJUANA, Mexico — After more than a month on the move, a caravan of migrants from Central America has come to a halt just a few yards from the border wall that divides Mexico and the United States.

The metal barrier looms near the sports center where Tijuana’s city government has set up a shelter for the migrants, whose numbers are swelling as buses arrive almost daily. On the other side — beyond floodlight­s, motion sensors, cameras and a second fence — lies their goal: the United States.

But it is dawning on many of them that the shelter could be their home for months if they decide to seek legal entry into the United States.

“We have to wait — for how long?” asked Lenin Herrera Batres, 20, who joined the caravan with his wife and their 2-year-old son to escape threats after the couple witnessed a murder in San Pedro

Sula, Honduras.

“We don’t have the money to stay here for one month, two months,” he said, his voice trailing off.

Less than a week old, the shelter has assumed the squalor of an overwhelme­d refugee camp, and the rhythms of enforced idleness have taken hold. One group spends hours watching karaoke singers at an end of the basketball courts there, while men bet on cards at the other. Children dart around a playground. Women fold donated blankets in the reflexive gestures of tidying up at home, now just a tiny patch under a large tent.

City officials, who fear that as many as 10,000 migrants from this caravan and two more behind it may ultimately alight in Tijuana in the coming weeks, are scrambling to provide for them.

“I sleep only three hours a night, and when I close my eyes I count migrants, not sheep,” said César Palencia Chávez, director of migrant services for Tijuana. “No city can be prepared for the arrival of 5,000 people over three to four days. We are doing what’s humanely possible.”

The number of migrants at the shelter swelled to almost 2,500 this weekend, with room for only 1,000 more.

But an estimated 3,400 are waiting in Mexicali, a border city 2½ hours to the east, and most of those are expected to reach Tijuana on Monday, said Maggie Núñez, who was working with Pueblo sin Fronteras, an advocacy group that is assisting the caravan.

Tijuana’s mayor, Juan Manuel Gastélum, has estimated that if all the Central American migrants traveling north come to the city and seek asylum in the United States, it could take six months for their claims to be heard at the main port of entry to San Diego.

They must take their turn behind about 3,000 others — from Mexico, nations across Central and South America, and even West Africa — who are waiting for an interview with a U.S. asylum officer. The delay may last as long as two months.

New rules issued by the Trump administra­tion this month are designed to funnel asylum-seekers to an official port of entry rather than allowing them to present themselves to the Border Patrol if they make it across the border illegally.

As the bottleneck in Tijuana has grown, it has threatened to try the patience of a city that is itself the creation of migrants and typically provides for them through church-run shelters.

Some Mexicans ask why Central Americans are receiving special treatment, when the government offers no help for Mexicans fleeing violence in other states or for those deported from the United States.

“There are so many undocument­ed people who do not have Mexico’s help,” said Rosa Guadalupe Martínez, 61, an optometric technician, who on Sunday joined a protest march of several dozen people waving Mexican flags. Others were openly hostile, alleging that some of the Central Americans would turn to crime.

It is impossible to square the listless mood of the shelter with what President Donald Trump railed against as a caravan “invasion” before this month’s midterm elections.

By banding together, the migrants sought protection against the criminal gangs and corrupt officials who prey on people trying to reach the U.S. border. But they had little sense of the political firestorm their trek had set off.

Many of the migrants repeat the magical thinking that has sustained them through their journey and brought them right up to the edge of the border: a belief that once all of the caravan has reached Tijuana, the gates may by flung open.

“God wants Trump’s heart to be touched,” said Francisco Naum, 27, who was traveling from Honduras with relatives. “If God gave us the possibilit­y to get all the way here, he will continue to open doors.”

Others have begun to deal in practicali­ties, walking a mile from the shelter to enter their names on a waiting list for an asylum interview. Some clustered around volunteer American lawyers who arrived at the shelter to explain the basics of asylum law.

 ?? MAURICIO LIMA/NEW YORK TIMES ?? A girl plays last week by a fence that borders the United States in Tijuana, Mexico. As many as 10,000 Central Americans may reach Tijuana in the coming weeks.
MAURICIO LIMA/NEW YORK TIMES A girl plays last week by a fence that borders the United States in Tijuana, Mexico. As many as 10,000 Central Americans may reach Tijuana in the coming weeks.
 ?? MAURICIO LIMA/NEW YORK TIMES ?? Migrants wait Saturday at a shelter in Tijuana, Mexico, near the border with the United States. As the city scrambles to provide for migrants, a shelter has taken on the qualities of an overwhelme­d refugee camp.
MAURICIO LIMA/NEW YORK TIMES Migrants wait Saturday at a shelter in Tijuana, Mexico, near the border with the United States. As the city scrambles to provide for migrants, a shelter has taken on the qualities of an overwhelme­d refugee camp.

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