Santa Fe New Mexican

Lies, cheats and hugs the flag


Let me try to get this straight. If I remember right, President Bill Clinton was impeached in 1998 for lying to the American people about Monica Lewinsky. Bad Bill. Now, if I understand this correctly, the present occupant of the White House has lied to the American people at last count, over 9,000 times. Bad, bad and bad. I watched the draft-dodger-in-chief hugging the American flag. Isn’t this the same guy who is good buddies with Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un? Oh, I must have the wrong guy. But 88 percent of Republican­s are behind him. Oh, what the heck. Maybe I worry too much about my country. Bo Brumble Santa Fe

Teaching text

I recently heard an eye-opening interview on a local radio station. The interviewe­e was Dr. Bruce C. Bunker, a scientist who has worked, among other places, at Sandia National Laboratori­es. The subject was global warming and his new book, The Mythology of Global Warming: Climate Change Fiction vs. Scientific Facts. It was such an interestin­g interview that I purchased his book from Amazon and just finished reading it.

This book is so well-written and documented that it should be read by anyone interested in the subject. It should be required reading for anyone running for political office or in position to teach our children. Robert Coates Santa Fe

Old and new guard

As the old and new Democratic Party heats up and argues about the U.S. relationsh­ip with Israel (“House’s Anti-Semitism Resolution Exposes Generation­al Fight Over Ilhan Omar,” the New York Times, March 5), it becomes clear what psychologi­cal process is at play. A healthy entity — whether human or institutio­nal — has the capacity for self-reflection and critique when necessary. The old-guard Democrats appear to be stuck in the post-World War II relationsh­ip with Israel. This is a new millennium, where it is necessary to look at relationsh­ips with an honest view, including the actual behaviors of Israel. Ilhan Omar is being singled out by the old guard in her honesty about American selfreflec­tion. It is a generation­al difference. The old guard will be fading soon, I hope. On the other hand, the Republican Party doesn’t even have a clue what this discourse is about. Jon Andromeda Santa Fe

Common sense

A Green New Deal will keep Americans safe from climate change and create millions of green jobs. It is common-sense policy that is overwhelmi­ngly popular with American people, regardless of political party or where they live. Any presidenti­al candidate who wants to be taken seriously on climate and earn the support of young people needs to support the resolution from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass. Andrew Adleman Santa Fe

Public versus private

In response to Alvis E. McDonald’s Letter to the Editor (“Textbooks for all,” March 6), my brother went to a small, local private school and I went to public school. The private school he went to provided the books. I am 70 years old, and I remember that we never did pay for private school textbooks.

After I had grown and left my parents house, my mom told me that even though she had no children in school she was proud to pay her property taxes (from which school supplies were purchased) because she believed that there was no greater mandate than public education.

We should not pay for private school books when our public schools are so underfunde­d. If parents feel the need to privately educate their children, they should be responsibl­e for all aspects of their education; otherwise there are public schools in this country. Susan Craig Santa Fe

Fascinated with reptiles

I am a fifth-grade student attending Flowery Elementary School in Sonoma, Calif. My teacher assigned my class to select a state in the U.S., and do a special report on the selected state, and I chose New Mexico. I am very fascinated with reptiles, and New Mexico is the home of many interestin­g reptiles, insects and arachnids, which is one of the reasons I chose it. I do not know much about New Mexico, and I would love to learn more.

I am hoping you can help me collect informatio­n about New Mexico by sending me pamphlets, brochures, pictures, postcards, etc., regarding New Mexico’s history and tourist destinatio­ns so that I can complete my New Mexico report.

You may send these items to: Ms. Chavarria, Flowery Elementary School, 17600 Sonoma Hwy., Sonoma, CA, 95476.

Thank you for taking your valuable time to read this and help me with my report. Sophie, age 11 Sonoma, Calif.

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