Santa Fe New Mexican

May works to woo Labour, EU leaders on Brexit

- By Jill Lawless and Raf Casert

LONDON — Prime Minister Theresa May wooed domestic political opponents and European leaders Monday as she sought to break Britain’s Brexit impasse and secure a delay to the country’s departure from the European Union.

May’s Conservati­ve government and the main opposition Labour Party were clinging to hope of finding a compromise Brexit deal, two days before EU leaders decide whether to grant an extension to the U.K.’s departure from the bloc. If they refuse, Britain faces a sudden and chaotic departure on Friday, the Brexit deadline previously set by the EU.

May has asked for a new delay until June 30, to give Britain’s divided politician­s time to agree, approve and implement a withdrawal agreement. The bloc’s leaders are due to meet Wednesday in Brussels to consider the request.

An extension requires unanimous approval from all 27 EU national leaders, some of whom are fed up with Brexit uncertaint­y and reluctant to prolong it further. French President Emmanuel Macron has been particular­ly resistant to the idea of further delaying Brexit, saying the EU can’t be held “hostage” to Britain’s political crisis.

May’s office said the prime minister spoke to multiple European leaders by phone Monday and will dash Tuesday to Berlin and Paris for face-to-face talks with German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Macron.

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt urged European leaders to be cooperativ­e, saying May “is totally and utterly determined to deliver Brexit.”

“They want Brexit to be resolved as quickly as possible,” Hunt said of the other 27 EU leaders. “So do we.”

Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar said he was “open to extending the deadline.”

“There will be different views, but I am confident that we will reach agreement,” he said after meeting chief EU Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier in Dublin.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, however, said May would have to convince EU leaders that Britain would continue “sincere cooperatio­n” with the bloc if granted a delay. Some pro-Brexit British politician­s have suggested the U.K. could try to disrupt EU policymaki­ng if it remains a member much longer.

Almost three years after Britons voted by 52 percent to 48 percent to leave the EU, the country remains divided and the political process deadlocked.

May and the EU agreed late last year on divorce terms, but the agreement has been rejected by Parliament three times. In desperatio­n, May last week sought talks with the left-of-center Labour Party.

Labour favors a softer Brexit than the government has proposed and seeks a close economic relationsh­ip with the bloc through a customs union — a trading area that sets common tariffs on imports while allowing free trade in goods moving between member states.

So far, the cross-party talks have failed to yield a breakthrou­gh.

“The government doesn’t seem to be moving off its original red lines,” Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn said. “We are looking for movement.”

Both sides said there would be further talks between Labour and government officials on Monday evening.

The EU would welcome a move by Britain to keep close post-Brexit economic ties. Barnier said Monday that the bloc was willing to be “much more ambitious in our future relationsh­ip” and would agree to a customs union arrangemen­t.

The alternativ­e of a no-deal Brexit threatens huge disruption­s to trade and travel, with tariffs and customs checks causing gridlock at British ports and possible shortages of goods in the U.K.

It was unclear whether the cross-party talks in London would succeed. May’s reach for compromise left her caught between angry Conservati­ves who accused her of throwing away Brexit and Labour opponents mistrustfu­l of her sudden change of heart.

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