Santa Fe New Mexican

European far-right populists ally before EU elections

- By Jason Horowitz

TREVISO, Italy — Matteo Salvini, the anti-immigrant politician and the most powerful figure in Italy’s government, announced Monday the formation of a new European alliance of populist and far-right parties before critical European Parliament elections in May.

“Others will join between now and the 26th of May,” the last day of voting, Salvini, leader of the League party in Italy, said at an event in Milan with allies from Denmark, Finland and Germany. “Our objective is to be the force of government and change in Europe.”

The May elections are a rallying point for European populist parties, once relegated to the margins, to seize their building momentum and expand their power across the continent.

Marine Le Pen, leader of France’s far-right National Gathering party, did not attend on Monday, though she has signaled her support for the new group.

But it is still unclear who will join the new populist alliance.

Noticeably absent from the event were some political figures who would appear to have an affinity with the project, like Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban. Orban’s Fidesz party still belongs to an alliance of centerrigh­t parties that leads the 28-nation European Parliament.

Salvini maintained that he was a stand-in for his Austrian, Belgian, French and other potential partners because it would have been unwieldy to have a news conference with so many people.

Jörg Meuthen, a leader of the far-right Alternativ­e for Germany party, said there were absent partners “who will join us soon.”

Olli Kotro, a member of the Finns Party who attended the event, was more cautious, saying, “It remains to be seen who will join us.”

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Matteo Salvini

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