Santa Fe New Mexican



From the Santa Fe New Mexican:

April 9, 1919: Eight Inches Of Snow Falls In Santa Fe, State Hit By Blizzard Record-Breaking April Storm sweeps Over Southwest With a twenty four hour snowfall in Santa Fe of eight inches to a foot reported by the weather bureau; with snow five to ten feet deep between here and the top of the range, practicall­y all the east side of the state covered with snow and the whole southwest in grip of a terrific storm, New Mexico and this section have passed through an April meteorolog­ical disturbanc­e almost without precedent.

April 9, 1969: The hopes of potential Sunday bar drinkers were dried at least temporaril­y by the state liquor control director, L.A. “Skeet” McCulloch, who said there will be no Sunday liquor sales except where approved by voters in local option areas.

April 9, 1994: Climbing out of his limousine Friday, Vice President Al Gore started to go directly into the Santa Fe Institute, a scientific think tank on Old Pecos Trail.

But hearing the enthusiast­ic cheers from a group of about 35 onlookers, he changed his mind and came bounding across the street — flanked by a team of Secret Service agents — for some old-fashioned pressing of the flesh.

Then he jogged back and entered the institute for a luncheon with institute officials, Gov. Bruce King, U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., and Santa Fe Mayor Debbie Jaramillo.

In a visit remarkable for its brevity and secrecy, Gore blew in and out of Santa Fe in less than two hours. His one purpose was to visit the institute, which has gained a national — if not worldwide — reputation for its cutting-edge work in the field of complexity.

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