Santa Fe New Mexican

Pardons for war crimes would insult veterans


As Memorial Day approaches, President Donald Trump has reportedly asked the Justice Department to ready paperwork to pardon several U.S. service members accused or convicted of war crimes, including murder, attempted murder and desecratio­n of a corpse. Each case is distinct, but taken together, such pardons would send a message of disrespect for the laws of war and for the larger values that the United States’ fallen service members have so nobly defended.

War is hell, but there are rules, and the Defense Department maintains a 1,193-page Law of War Manual. The purposes are worth recalling: to protect combatants, noncombata­nts and civilians from “unnecessar­y

suffering”; provide some basic protection­s to those who fall into hands of the enemy; facilitate restoratio­n of peace; help commanders ensure the discipline­d and efficient use of military forces; and preserve the “profession­alism and humanity of combatants.”

Trump, in pursuit of some hazy notion of military toughness, shows little respect for these principles. On the campaign trail in 2016, he declared that “torture works” and that he would resume the use of waterboard­ing in interrogat­ions. In 2015, he declared that the families of terrorists should be killed. This month, Trump signed a full pardon for former Army 1st Lt. Michael Behenna of Oklahoma, who had served in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division and was convicted of unpremedit­ated murder. Military intelligen­ce profession­als had interrogat­ed a man on suspicion that he was a member of al-Qaida with knowledge of a roadside bombing in which two U.S. soldiers were killed. They ordered Behenna to drive the suspect home. He took the detainee to a railroad culvert, stripped him naked, interrogat­ed him at gunpoint and then shot him in the head and chest, saying it was self-defense.

Among those Trump is now considerin­g for clemency, the New York Times reports, is Special Operations Chief Edward Gallagher of the Navy SEALs, who is scheduled to stand trial soon on charges of shooting unarmed civilians in Iraq and killing an enemy captive with a knife. Others, according to the Times, are believed to include a former Blackwater security contractor, Nicholas Slatten, found guilty in the 2007 shooting of dozens of unarmed Iraqis; Maj. Mathew Golsteyn, an Army Green Beret charged with killing an unarmed Afghan in 2010; and a group of Marine Corps snipers charged with urinating on dead Taliban fighters.

Pardons in these cases would undermine discipline in the ranks, impede cooperatio­n with citizens and fighters of other nations and insult millions of service members who have behaved honorably. They would undermine the standing of the United States as a power that believes in — and follows — the rule of law. They would not project strength but rather show weakness, corroding the “profession­alism and humanity” of the armed forces.

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