Santa Fe New Mexican

Saving the nation and planet means change at the top


With due respect to Norm Kaczmarek (“Hey, Trump won,” Letters to the Editor, Sept. 1), we Northern New Mexican residents understand who won the presidency.

He misses the point: Since in office, Donald Trump and his cronies have decimated environmen­tal laws, committed human rights violations, lied to the American public, mocked leaders of allied nations, cozied up to despotic foreign leaders, conducted business in violation of the Constituti­on’s emoluments clause and sold out our farmers to punishing tariffs.

The list could go on. This, Dr. Kaczmarek, is why we want him removed — by impeachmen­t, which would indeed involve Congress, by the 25th Amendment to the Constituti­on or by defeating him in the next election. At this point, we are trying save our nation and our planet. What are you doing?

Caitlin Thomas Santa Fe

No disloyalty here

I am an American Jew and definitely will vote Democratic. Contrary to President Donald Trump’s claim (“Trump: Jews ‘disloyal’ to their people if they vote for Democrats,” Aug. 22), I am not disloyal for voting my beliefs. In fact, it is Trump who is disloyal to American ideals for making such a statement. First, he resorts to bribery by moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and then turns to insults by calling Jews “disloyal” if they vote Democratic. What next? Call Jews who vote Democratic “treasonous?” Put us in jail? Our president needs a good history course on 1930s Germany. Or maybe he already has taken it and is trying to emulate it.

Mat Frauwirth Santa Fe

Likely shortage

As long as developers have a “fee in lieu” option (“Hiking ‘fee in lieu’ is fine; phase-in period is not,” Building Santa Fe, Sept. 1) — basically paying a fine instead of creating affordable housing — we will continue to have a shortage of affordable housing in Santa Fe.

Camille Donoghue Santa Fe

Dems don’t relish suffering

Ever talk to a Trump person? It may be rare in Santa Fe, but it does happen. I met a business associate recently who is a devout Trumpite. Wow. Besides seeming to lack listening skills, or social cues, he seemed to take delight in my discomfort when discussing the suffering of others, whether through war, border disputes or just plain life. I realized this is the essence of all things nationalis­tic — the relish of others’ suffering. Don’t you feel better?

Paul Thacher Santa Fe

What’s the plan?

A Santa Fe New Mexican story describes the “windfall” in state oil royalty funds expected to come to New Mexico (“Oil-fueled upswing,” Aug. 29). Apparently, there is no shortage of spending ideas. But given that presidenti­al hopeful Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has many supporters here and has announced plans to cease fossil fuel production and use in this country by the year 2030, I wonder what plans the state of New Mexico has for securing revenue in the event Sanders or someone like him is elected president?

Would New Mexico simply tax the renewable sources of energy to make up for many billions of dollars in oil royalty reductions? What would we pay for electricit­y? Anyone know what the plan is? Should we have any concerns?

Joe Turner Santa Fe

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