Santa Fe New Mexican

‘It’s like the thing that never ends’

California warehouse fire case limps on after hung jury

- By Janie Har and Olga R. Rodriguez

OAKLAND, Calif. — An emotionall­y taxing criminal case over the deaths of

36 people trapped inside a San Francisco Bay Area warehouse nearly three years ago will continue after a jury acquitted one defendant and deadlocked on the other.

Jurors deliberate­d over a two-week period before they acquitted Max Harris on Thursday of involuntar­y manslaught­er but said they could not agree on whether to convict or acquit Derick Almena, prolonging a case already beset by delays. Sobs and gasps erupted from family and friends of the victims as the judge declared a mistrial.

The men were accused of filling a warehouse building in Oakland with so much clutter that it trapped people at an electronic music party in December 2016.

Almena, 49, and Harris, 29, had pleaded no contest to manslaught­er and were set to be sentenced last year to nine and six years in prison, respective­ly. But a judge threw out their pleas after many of the victims’ families objected. “I’m in shock,” said David Gregory, whose 20-year-old daughter Michela perished in the fast-moving fire. “We were hoping for justice, but we didn’t get justice today.”

Michela Gregory and her 22-year-old boyfriend, Alex Vega, died when fire roared through the so-called Ghost Ship warehouse, which had been illegally converted into a live-work space for artists and held parties and other events.

The building was packed with furniture, extension cords and other flammable material but had only two exits and no smoke detectors, fire alarms or sprinklers, prosecutor­s say.

The blaze killed many young people trapped on the illegally constructe­d second floor. Prosecutor­s said the victims received no warning and had little chance to escape down a narrow, ramshackle staircase.

Vega’s mother, Mary, was angry about Thursday’s outcome but didn’t regret the plea agreement getting tossed. She said she was glad that Harris served more than two years behind bars awaiting trial.

“It’s something,” she said. “Doesn’t matter, it’s not going to bring my son back.”

Her son and Alex Vega’s brother Alberto, 36, said Almena should be retried. Most jurors wanted to find him guilty, but two jurors disagreed.

“I know it’s going to be long and exhausting, like this already was,” Alberto Vega said. “The whole thing just sucks.”

Prosecutor­s acknowledg­ed the emotional toll of the trial on the victims’ loved ones and said they would meet with families and others to evaluate their next steps in the case against Almena, including a retrial. Almena remains in custody and is due in court again Oct. 4.

Family and friends packed the courtroom for the three-month trial, leaning on each other for comfort. Jurors began deliberati­ng July 31 but had to start again in mid-August after the judge replaced three jurors for misconduct. “In all honesty, the worst day of my life was on December 2. It can’t get any worse than that. It’s just a lot of suffering after that, and we continue to suffer,” said Judy Hough, whose son Travis died in the fire at age 35.

“It’s like the thing that never ends.”

 ?? D. ROSS CAMERON/AP ?? Makeshift memorials erected to the victims of the Ghost Ship warehouse fire. Jurors found defendant Max Harris not guilty of involuntar­y manslaught­er and were unable to reach a verdict in the case against co-defendant Derick Almena.
D. ROSS CAMERON/AP Makeshift memorials erected to the victims of the Ghost Ship warehouse fire. Jurors found defendant Max Harris not guilty of involuntar­y manslaught­er and were unable to reach a verdict in the case against co-defendant Derick Almena.

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