Santa Fe New Mexican

Guest brings dog along to dinner


Dear Annie: Recently, my girlfriend had a dinner party for six people. One of the guests took it upon herself to bring her dog to the affair. I was livid. This woman let her dog roam throughout the host’s home unattended.

The dog owner was totally oblivious to the other guests in attendance.

What is your take on this total disrespect for everyone involved? — Offended By Unwanted Guest

Dear Offended By Unwanted Guest: Unless the invitation specifical­ly mentioned that pets were welcome, you are absolutely correct. It was rude of the guest to bring her uninvited and unwanted dog. Of course, I say this assuming that it was not a service animal. I am a dog lover, but I couldn’t imagine bringing one of my dogs to a dinner party uninvited. If I encountere­d it the way you did, I would have had the same reaction you did. Woof.

Dear Annie: I am 65 and the oldest person working for my public entity. I have had excellent job reviews throughout the years. I have a new boss, and he seems to be getting rid of the few people who have worked here longest. A couple have left after being moved to difficult jobs they had never done before. He puts them into work situations that he knows will make them leave.

He is now giving a younger man my job as a co-position. Both of us are supposedly equals in one job, except that the younger man makes about $18,000 a year more than I do. I believe this is to get me to quit.

This job has been a one-person job for more than 20 years. I thought that it is illegal to pay a man more than a woman doing the exact same job. I have many years of experience, while he has never done the job. I will not leave.

Do I have grounds for a lawsuit?

I’m sure many others face similar situations, so your answer will help not only me, but many other senior workers. — Sharing My Job

Dear Sharing My Job: That’s terrible. I really feel for you. If the facts are as you state them, by all means find a lawyer who specialize­s in workplace discrimina­tion against seniors. Sounds like you’ve got a strong case.

Dear Annie: It seems an easy fix for those teens who neglect dental care. Just tell them that no potential girlfriend or boyfriend will want to talk with them, much less share a smooch or two, if their mouths stink.

After the anticipate­d eyerolling and harrumphin­g, we taught our boys table manners by telling them that someday they’ll have dinner at a girl’s home with her family, and knowing where to put their napkin, how to chew with their mouths closed and which fork to use will impress her parents, most likely garnering them a return invitation.

They just needed the right motivation. — Mom Who’s Been There

Dear Mom Who’s Been There: Teaching children good manners is always a good thing. You sound like a great mother.

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