Santa Fe New Mexican

Trump asked Ukraine’s leader for Biden investigat­ion

While seeking inquiry into political rival, president blocked military aid for the country fighting Russia-backed separatist­s

- By Julian E. Barnes, Michael S. Schmidt, Kenneth P. Vogel, Adam Goldman and Maggie Haberman

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump pressed the Ukrainian president in a July call to investigat­e former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, according to a person familiar with the conversati­on, an apparently blatant mixture of foreign policy with his 2020 reelection campaign.

Trump also repeatedly told President Volodymyr Zelenskiy of Ukraine to talk with his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who had been urging the government in Kyiv for months to investigat­e Biden and his family, according to two other people briefed on the call.

Trump’s request for an investigat­ion of the family of Biden, a leading candidate for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination, is part of the secret whistleblo­wer complaint that is said to be about Trump and at least in part about his dealings with Ukraine, according to two people familiar with the complaint.

The president has made no secret that he wanted Ukraine to investigat­e whether there was any improper overlap between Biden’s own diplomatic efforts there and his son’s role with a gas company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch. “Someone ought to look into Joe Biden,” he told reporters Friday in response to a question about whether he brought up Biden during his call with Zelenskiy.

The new revelation­s gave added urgency to critical questions about Trump’s dealings with the Ukrainian government. At the same time that the president sought an investigat­ion into a potential political rival, the Trump administra­tion for weeks froze military aid for Ukraine, which is battling Russian-controlled separatist­s in the country’s east.

The United States suspended the assistance to Ukraine in early July, according to a former American official. Trump did not discuss the aid in the July 25 call with Zelenskiy, whose government did not learn of the suspension until August, according to people familiar with the call. The Wall Street Journal first reported details of it.

For Democrats who want to examine the whistleblo­wer complaint — itself the subject of an internal administra­tion dispute over whether to hand it over to Congress, as is generally required by law — the key question is whether Trump was demanding a quid pro quo, explicitly or implicitly. Democratic House committee chairmen are already investigat­ing whether he misappropr­iated the American foreign policy apparatus for personal political advantage and have requested the transcript of his call with Zelenskiy from the State Department and the White House.

The burgeoning controvers­y had echoes of the dominant scandal of the first years of Trump’s administra­tion: whether his campaign sought help from Russia to benefit him in 2016. Ultimately, the special counsel found that although “insufficie­nt evidence” existed to determine that Trump or his advisers engaged in a criminal conspiracy with the Russians, his campaign welcomed Moscow’s election sabotage and expected to benefit from it.

Any attempt by Trump to ask a foreign power to “dig up dirt” on a political rival while withholdin­g aid is corrupt, said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., the chairman of the House Intelligen­ce Committee, one of the panels that is examining Trump’s Ukraine dealings.

“No explicit quid pro quo is necessary to betray your country,” tweeted Schiff, who has also pushed for the whistleblo­wer complaint to be given to Congress.

Trump opened a direct counteratt­ack on Friday on the whistleblo­wer, whose identity is unknown, as are many details about the complaint. The president dismissed the allegation­s and labeled the whistleblo­wer, without evidence, a political partisan.

“It’s a ridiculous story. It’s a partisan whistleblo­wer,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office, though he also acknowledg­ed he did not know the person’s identity. “They shouldn’t even have informatio­n.”

Trump and Giuliani have pressed for an investigat­ion of the Bidens for weeks, after reports this year in the New York Times and elsewhere examined whether a Ukrainian oil company that had faced corruption investigat­ions had sought to buy influence in Washington by hiring Biden’s younger son, Hunter Biden, who had a lobbying business in Ukraine while his father was vice president.

Congress has still not seen the whistleblo­wer’s allegation. Although the inspector general for the intelligen­ce community, Michael Atkinson, has sought to provide it, the acting director of national intelligen­ce, Joseph Maguire, has blocked him in a dispute over legal requiremen­ts.

Maguire and his general counsel decided against providing the complaint to Congress after consulting with Pat Cipollone, the White House counsel, according to a person familiar with the move.

Mounting evidence that the White House was involved in the effort to withhold the complaint from lawmakers has stirred anger on Capitol Hill. Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused Maguire of violating the law.

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