Santa Fe New Mexican

Being mocked by Mom’s boyfriend


Dear Annie: My 81-year-old mother lives with her same-age boyfriend of 10 years in a 55-plus community, which requires residents to maintain the interior and exterior of their home. I fly down periodical­ly to maintain this property. I also stay there.

My last visit, while I was completing a repair, I caught a glimpse of her boyfriend mocking me. And this was not the first time, I will state. I ignored him.

My mother obviously sees this behavior and says nothing. I feel hurt and have not returned since.

Any suggestion­s? — Mocked Man from Ohio

Dear Mocked Man: Whether because he’s unable to do as much around the house as he’d like, or because he’s jealous of her love for you, it sounds as though this man is insecure. Whatever he says or does, let it bounce off you.

And the next time you catch him mocking you, feign ignorance and ask him what he’s doing.

As for your mom, I understand why your feelings are hurt by her reluctance to speak up on your behalf. But it doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you. Likely, she’s trying to avoid rocking the boat. Spend some one-on-one time with her and ask her about her relationsh­ip dynamic to make sure he’s not being emotionall­y abusive. Whatever you do, do not let that bully alienate you from your own mother.

Dear Annie: Can you please address how stutterers are treated? My brother-in-law stutters, and it is amazing to me how some waitstaff make fun of him. He is in his 50s, an adult, intelligen­t and this is a problem that he’s been dealing with for many years. Some waitstaff are kind and patient as he tries to tell them his order. Can restaurant managers please educate their staff that some patrons have trouble with stuttering? — Hurt to See This

Dear Hurt to See This: It’s hard to believe that adults would stoop so low. Truly, I pity people who are so self-absorbed, apathetic and shallow that they don’t know what it is to be a human being. The joke, if there is one, is on them.

For anyone who needs to hear this: Don’t mock people with speech impediment­s. And get a life.

Dear Annie: I had a similar event as “Suddenly a Sister.” I am the oldest of four. When we were teenagers in the mid-’70s, Dad would bring up a possibilit­y of another sibling after he had a few drinks. We didn’t think much of it. Now, after almost 50 years, we have found our half brother. All four of us, and our entire families, are aware of him even though I am the only one to have met him so far. My two brothers had similar relationsh­ips with our father as did the letter writer. My dad, though, has been gone for more than 25 years, and I don’t think my brothers think any less of our father. My parents were still married when my half brother was conceived; they divorced a few years later. My mother has also met my new half brother and his family. It was a wonderful meeting. We have had other family members find and meet half siblings with wonderful results, too. Definitely, yes, “Suddenly a Sister” needs to share this wonderful news with her entire family. — Now the Oldest of Five

Dear Oldest of Five: Congratula­tions on discoverin­g a whole other branch of your family tree!

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