Santa Fe New Mexican

Local government should focus on technology sector


Bringing in technology companies — particular­ly software, bio tech, renewable energy and clean manufactur­ing — is important to the economic growth of Northern New Mexico. Now, regional government is doing too little to promote this direction with current activity and investment almost exclusivel­y centered on growing tourism.

I’ve worked in tech for more than 35 years. The first 20 of those I worked for big companies in Phoenix, and the more recent 18 years, in a variety of ventures while living here in Santa Fe. I can say with certainty that it is possible to run a tech company here. However, for me, doing tech in New Mexico has meant hiring remote, out-of-state employees; working with investors and partners long distance; and typically billing out-of-state clients. Very little of my business has contribute­d directly back to the Northern New Mexico economy in creating new jobs. This can change if local government and the handful of tech companies currently here work together to make it happen.

What is the motivation to shift local government away from a near-singular focus on tourism and onto growing tech? Foremost, tech companies pay high salaries, and their demands on local resources and infrastruc­ture are relatively low, particular­ly in comparison to tourism.

According to, which surveys salaries nationwide, software engineers earn on average over $100,000 per year. Adding tech companies and their high-paying jobs to the economic mix of the region means that more cash flows into the community, which means more tax revenues and more business for the establishe­d constructi­on, service and retail industry. High-paying companies provide opportunit­ies for salary growth in the community as local workers develop needed skills through workforce training or pursuing advanced degrees. As for infrastruc­ture, a software company needs employees, an accessible office space, high-speed internet and not much else to produce a valuable product.

The region cannot sustain continued growth of tourism, which in contrast is a strain on resources. It requires steady investment in infrastruc­tures such as utilities, roads, policing and emergency services to support growing peak tourist numbers. It does little to improve resident quality of life, bringing more crowds and higher prices. With low salaries in hospitalit­y — $43,000 per year average, according to — there is little salary growth opportunit­y for those working in the industry.

What is the equation for bringing in tech? It is a great place to live. It has a beautiful and rich cultural heritage and a great mix of city life and the outdoors. Its people value diversity and sustainabi­lity, which is in line with the belief systems of tech. Los Alamos National Laboratory already is contributi­ng in providing some technology spin-outs and has the intellectu­al capacity to fuel more local innovation if other pieces are in place.

To make this happen, local tech, Santa Fe Community College and the University of New Mexico, with solid support of government, need to come together and recognize the tasks to begin to grow an innovation ecosystem. Next, local government needs to provide real spending and resources in support of the initiative­s developed. Finally, government should be ready to close deals using tools that are available, such as Local Economic Developmen­t Act grants, revenue bonds and tax breaks.

This is a long road that requires focus and intent to succeed, but I believe it promises a much better economic future for Northern New Mexico than our current path.

Dave Dannenberg is founder of XFormGov (, a software company based in Santa Fe, and was previously a technology executive at Intel Corp. Dave is a candidate for the Santa Fe Community College governing board in the upcoming November election.

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Dave Dannenberg

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