Santa Fe New Mexican

Spooky — bad

- Niveditha Bala is a junior at Mandela Internatio­nal Magnet School. Contact her at niveditha.bala@mandelaint­ernational­

It’s almost Halloween, and that means everyone’s excited about horror movies, candy, ghosts and other spooky stuff. Candy is pretty exciting, but I don’t understand the hype with purposeful­ly being scared. A lot of my friends love horror movies, because “they’re fun,” as they tell me. But what’s fun about not being able to sleep at night or spending the rest of the week jumping at the slightest sound, convinced that Pennywise from It is going to jump out from under your bed?

I admit I am a coward. Lots of things, like heights and needles and small spaces, don’t scare me, but many more things do. I don’t like the dark, and the idea of haunted places being actually haunted terrifies me. Can you imagine sitting at home alone, and a cup randomly falls off the counter? I’m not sure I believe in ghosts, but I know I’m afraid of them, so I’m pretty sure my soul would leave my body if that happened.

Sure, hearing scary stories and reading about creepy mysteries is a fun way to pass the time — as long as you don’t let the scary stuff get to you. Most people I know love watching scary movies on the weekend, which, in my opinion, is way too frequent. Does that mean they’re constantly scared? Are those people always looking over their shoulder for Pennywise the clown? And how do those people even sit through the haunting thrillers that say “based on a true story” at the beginning?

In my opinion, there are a lot more fun things that you can do for Halloween. You can dress up as something unscary, like maybe a duck, and eat tons of candy and hang out with your friends in an unhaunted location. Then, you can go home and sleep — actually sleep — without worrying that a monster or killer clown is under your bed.

Let others enjoy their love for adrenaline and gore come Halloween. With sleepless nights and a progressiv­ely increasing fear that Pennywise is actually real, I’m going to stay in and watch a Disney movie instead, a fun Disney movie, like The Parent Trap.

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