Santa Fe New Mexican

Pro-gun rally by thousands in Va. ends peacefully

- By Alan Suderman and Sarah Rankin

RICHMOND, Va. — Thousands of gun-rights activists rallied peacefully at the Virginia Capitol on Monday under a heavy police presence, protesting plans by the state’s Democratic leadership to pass gun-control legislatio­n.

The size of the rally and the expected participat­ion of white supremacis­ts and fringe militia groups raised fears that the state could see a repeat of the violence that exploded in 2017 in Charlottes­ville. But the rally concluded uneventful­ly around noon, and attendees spilled into the streets, chanting and waving signs.

A spokesman for the Capitol police said that as of 11 a.m. there had been no reports of arrests or injuries.

The Richmond protesters, who were mostly white and male, came out in the thousands despite the chilly temperatur­e to send a message to legislator­s, they said.

“The government doesn’t run us, we run the government,” said Kem Regik, a 20-year-old private security officer from northern Virginia who brought a white flag with a picture of a rifle captioned, “Come and take it.”

Northam was a particular focus of the protester’s wrath. One poster showed his face superimpos­ed on Adolf Hitler’s body.

Many of the protesters wore camouflage. Some waved flags with messages of support for President Donald Trump.

Trump, in turn, tweeted support for their goals.

“The Democrat Party in the Great Commonweal­th of Virginia are working hard to take away your 2nd Amendment rights,” he tweeted. “This is just the beginning. Don’t let it happen, VOTE REPUBLICAN in 2020!

The Virginia State Police, the Virginia Capitol Police and the Richmond Police Department had a strong presence, with officers deploying on rooftops, others patrolling in cars and on bicycles.

Authoritie­s were looking to avoid a repeat of the violence that erupted in Charlottes­ville during one of the largest gatherings of white supremacis­ts and other far-right groups in a decade. Attendees brawled with counterpro­testers, and an avowed white supremacis­t drove his car into a crowd, killing a woman and injuring dozens more.

Law enforcemen­t officials faced scathing criticism for what both the white supremacis­t groups and anti-racism protesters said was a passive response.

In contrast to Charlottes­ville, there was little sign of any counterpro­testers challengin­g the gun-rights activists.

Police limited access to Capitol Square to only one entrance, and a long line formed to get into the rally zone. Thousands more stood outside on nearby streets, where the governor’s order didn’t apply and they were free to carry weapons.

PJ Hudson, 31, a truck driver from Richmond, wore an AR-15 and posed for pictures. “I love this. This is like the Super Bowl for the Second Amendment right here,” said Hudson, whose shirt said “Black guns matter.”

An RV festooned with Trump material and selling Trump merchandis­e parked in front of the line to the square, but was booted by a police officer shortly after it parked Monday: “You got two minutes before it’s towed. Clock’s ticking.”

Advocates also filled the hallways of the building that houses lawmakers’ offices. One couple, Jared and Marie March, traveled from Floyd County, over three hours west of Richmond, to meet with lawmakers.

“Guns are a way of life where we live,” said Marie March, who was concerned about a proposed red-flag law which she said would allow citizens to be stripped of their guns due to “subjective criteria.” A proposal to establish universal background checks amounted to “more Big Brother,” she said. “We just feel like we need to push government back into their rightful spot.”

Monday’s rally was organized by an influentia­l grassroots gun-rights group, the Virginia Citizens Defense League. The group holds a yearly rally at the Capitol, typically a low-key event with a few hundred gun enthusiast­s listening to speeches from a handful of ambitious Republican lawmakers. But this year, many more attended. Second Amendment groups have identified the state as a rallying point for the fight against what they see as a national erosion of gun rights.

Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America, among the speakers, said voters need to replace the Democrats in control of the government in Virginia.

“We need to throw the bums out. We need to clean house in the next election,” he said.

The pushback against proposed new gun restrictio­ns began immediatel­y after Democrats won majorities in both the state Senate and House of Delegates in November. Much of the opposition has focused on a proposed assault weapons ban.

 ?? JULIO CORTEZ ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A man walks in the crowd during a pro-gun rally Monday in Richmond, Va., making his point with a sticker on his hat.
JULIO CORTEZ ASSOCIATED PRESS A man walks in the crowd during a pro-gun rally Monday in Richmond, Va., making his point with a sticker on his hat.

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