Santa Fe New Mexican

Getting a little dirty can keep us healthy


Aborder between Finland and Russia is shedding light on how the environmen­t might be affecting immune health. And lessons there are useful for those of us in the rest of the world, including New Mexico.

By studying people living on both sides of the border, researcher­s are learning more about why allergies and inflammato­ry diseases are increasing in developing nations around the world. Here’s what happened. During World War II, Finland turned over territory to the Soviet Union. In the years since, the Finnish side became more developed. People living on the Soviet side of the border continued living more traditiona­lly.

By the 21st century, allergies on Finland’s side were significan­tly higher than those of the people who lived on the Russian side, according to a report in The Scientist Magazine in January.

Researcher­s swooped down in 2011 to try and find out why, suspecting that exposure to environmen­tal microbes might account for the difference.

Finnish researcher­s already had developed the biodiversi­ty hypothesis. This argues that total biodiversi­ty — including diversity at microbial levels — of people’s living environmen­ts influences human health through changes to the microbiome, the genetic material of all the microbes living on and inside the human body.

If diversity across the globe is decreased, the human immune system will suffer. That loss of biodiversi­ty, researcher­s believed, might be able to explain the increase in allergic and inflammato­ry diseases observed in developed nations around the world. The informativ­e article was sent around locally by Carlos F. Valdez, with the Los Alamos Cooperativ­e Extension Agent, to connection­s on Google. That makes sense, considerin­g that as someone who works with 4-H and horticultu­re, Valdez is curious about biodiversi­ty and all its implicatio­ns.

According to the piece, researcher­s had tested skin swabs and found that children living in the country had more bacteria on their skin that city kids; the rural kids also were much less allergic.

What followed, researcher­s though, is that having more bacteria helped somehow boost the immune system. Now, the question was, how to develop an experiment that would either prove or disprove this notion.

The focus was on soil microbes — children living in the country are in contact with more dirt than children living amid pavement — which led researcher­s to attempt an experiment using mice. A group of female mice lived on clean bedding while other mice lived in cages where the bedding was sprinkled with potting soil and placed in a stable with other animals.

The clean mice were the losers, proving more susceptibl­e to developing inflammati­on when an asthma-triggering allergen was introduced. Mice with soil around them, on the other hand, had more bacteria in their guts, the kind that protects from asthma and inflammati­on in both mice and humans.

All of that goes to show that a sterile environmen­t is not the boon many have believed it to be, including moms who insisted on scrubbing their children clean at every sign of dirt. Cleanlines­s is a good thing, of course, but so is exposure to soil, with dirty hands and faces the evidence of time well spent outside.

And that brings up another problem of the modern world. The benefit of spending time in dirt is in part because of the many types of bacteria found in soil — scientists say it is one of the most diverse habitats on Earth. Biodiversi­ty is decreasing in soil as well as other parts of our modern environmen­t, decreasing the benefits of exposure for humans.

Now, as we continue to do research, the scientists can tell us with some confidence that getting out in nature is helpful to health, and the more varied the bugs in nature, the better. The next puzzle to answer and to promote is how farmers, ranchers, home gardeners, outdoor enthusiast­s — all of us, really — can increase the biodiversi­ty in our environmen­t. When that happens, we will all be healthier.

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