Santa Fe New Mexican

A move to relax rules on killing birds

Trump administra­tion would drop threat of punishment for incidental deaths

- By Lisa Friedman

The Trump administra­tion Thursday moved to drop the threat of punishment to oil and gas companies, constructi­on crews and other organizati­ons that kill birds “incidental­ly,” arguing that businesses that accidental­ly kill birds ought to be able to operate without fear of prosecutio­n.

Conservati­on groups said the proposed new regulation from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which operates under the Department of Interior, would substantia­lly weaken the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and put millions of birds in danger. The threat of fines and prosecutio­n has, for decades, helped prod industries to take steps to protect birds, like affixing red lights on communicat­ion towers, they say.

But industry leaders and administra­tion officials said they expected businesses to continue to voluntaril­y protect bird habitats. Removing the threat of punishment, they said, would bring regulatory certainty and eliminate legal disputes over whether the law covers birds killed unintentio­nally, whether from an oil spill or the blade of a wind turbine.

Aurelia Skipwith, director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, called bird conservati­on “an integral part” of the agency’s mission. By specifying that entities should be held liable only if they can be proven to have set out to kill birds, she said, “we are taking action today to make sure our rules and regulation­s are clear.”

The proposed regulation, if finalized, would cement a legal opinion that the Department of Interior issued in 2017 that previous administra­tions had interprete­d the law too broadly and that only actions explicitly intended to kill birds should be forbidden.

That interpreta­tion has already had significan­t consequenc­es for thousands of migratory birds. According to internal agency documents recently obtained by the New York Times, the Trump administra­tion has discourage­d local government­s and businesses from taking simple precaution­ary measures to protect birds, and federal wildlife officials have all but stopped investigat­ing most bird deaths.

With a presidenti­al election coming in November, the Trump administra­tion is moving quickly to finalize dozens of regulatory rollbacks and other actions to weaken environmen­tal protection­s viewed as burdensome by industry.

In recent weeks, the administra­tion has scrapped a clean water regulation aimed at protecting streams and wetlands, and blocked an effort to require Americans to use energy-efficient lightbulbs. Within the next month, the administra­tion plans to weaken vehicle emissions standards and a rule restrictin­g mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants. Completing the rule curtailing the Migratory Bird Treaty Act before the November election will be difficult, but the agency has indicated it will push aggressive­ly to do so. “It’s a race against the clock,” Bob Dreher, senior vice president of conservati­on programs at Defenders of Wildlife, an environmen­tal organizati­on, said of the proposed regulation.

Any legal guideline, like the one now governing bird-death enforcemen­t, can be easily overturned; the 2017 opinion on incidental avian deaths reversed guidelines written by the Obama administra­tion to enshrine the government’s ability to fine and prosecute those who accidental­ly kill migratory birds. Dreher noted that codifying the opinion into regulation, as the Trump administra­tion is trying to do, would make it harder for a future Democratic president to issue a quick reversal.

“They’re trying to entrench this as much as they can, and get stuff locked into place,” he said.

Six conservati­on groups and eight states have already sued to block the underlying legal opinion. Last week, a group of former Interior Department officials from both Republican and Democratic administra­tions filed an amicus brief in support of the lawsuit.

Oil industry officials argued that they have worked voluntaril­y to protect birds and will continue to do so. They also accused the Obama administra­tion of abusing the law by singling out oil and gas companies for prosecutio­n. The new rule, several business leaders said, brings regulatory certainty to companies worried that bird deaths would make them criminally liable for millions of dollars.

Erik Milito, president of the National Ocean Industries Associatio­n, which represents offshore oil and wind industries, called it “welcome news for safe and responsibl­e energy developmen­t.” He said the proposal will prevent “the unnecessar­y criminaliz­ation” of accidental bird deaths that he maintains has blocked or slowed energy projects. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act makes it illegal “by any means or in any manner” to hunt, take, capture or kill birds, nests or eggs from listed species without a permit. Beginning in the 1970s, federal officials used the act to prosecute and fine companies up to $15,000 per bird for accidental deaths on power lines, in oil pits, in wind turbines and by other industrial hazards.

 ?? BRANDON THIBODEAUX/NEW YORK TIMES ?? Since 1918, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which covers more than 1,000 species, has helped to restore population­s of birds like the great egret.
BRANDON THIBODEAUX/NEW YORK TIMES Since 1918, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which covers more than 1,000 species, has helped to restore population­s of birds like the great egret.

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