Santa Fe New Mexican

House votes to block Trump in military action on Iran

- By Catie Edmondson

WASHINGTON — The House on Thursday moved to block President Donald Trump from taking military action against Iran without the approval of Congress, voting to repeal a 2002 war authorizat­ion and to bar him from using federal funds to mount an unauthoriz­ed strike against the country.

The bipartisan votes reflected a Congress that has grown weary of military conflict and skeptical of the president’s expansive war-making power after years of intractabl­e hostilitie­s in which thousands of U.S. troops have died. It amounted to another attempt by the Democratic-led House to place a constituti­onal check on Trump as the Senate was on the brink of deciding whether to convict him of impeachabl­e offenses and remove him from office.

The measures, opposed by the vast majority of Republican­s, were all but certain to die in the Republican-controlled Senate.

But in voting to repeal the 2002 law, the House was moving to reclaim congressio­nal war powers by revoking a measure that three successive presidents have used to justify all manner of strikes without securing prior approval from the legislativ­e branch.

The law “allows war without end; this country can’t tolerate that,” said Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Calif. and a leading anti-war voice in her party who sponsored Thursday’s measure repealing it. “Congress has a responsibi­lity to do their job and follow the Constituti­on and debate and vote on the use of the force in matters of war and peace.”

Congress passed the resolution in 2002 to authorize the use of military force in Iraq against Saddam Hussein’s regime, which President George W. Bush said at the time possessed weapons of mass destructio­n. But it has been invoked by his successors for a variety of reasons — President Barack Obama used it in 2014 as the legal justificat­ion for airstrikes in Syria against the Islamic State — leading Democrats and some Republican­s to argue that it now serves only to provide presidents cover to circumvent Congress and order unauthoriz­ed strikes.

Robert O’Brien, Trump’s national security adviser, initially said a U.S. strike this month that killed Qassem Soleimani, the most important general in Iran, was justified by the 2002 law, though the administra­tion has since said the strike was a matter of self-defense under internatio­nal law and pursuant to the president’s constituti­onal powers as commander in chief.

As escalating tensions with Iran brought the two countries to the brink of war, House Democrats pledged to impose another check on Trump’s war powers in an effort to prevent a future dash toward military action.

“The need to hold this president in check has never been higher,” said Rep. Ro Khanna, D-Calif., and the sponsor of the measure to block funding for a military strike on Iran unless authorized by Congress. “The worst thing we could do is let this president off the hook.”

Trump campaigned promising to disentangl­e the United States from endless wars. He has moved on a variety of fronts to scale back the country’s military presence in hot spots around the globe, pulling troops out of Afghanista­n, northern Syria and South Korea. But like other presidents before him, Trump is unwilling to have his war powers constraine­d by Congress. The administra­tion has threatened to veto both of the measures the House passed Thursday, arguing they would hinder the president’s ability to defend the country and its interests.

In the White House’s statement warning that Trump would veto the repeal of the 2002 authorizat­ion, administra­tion officials contended that the resolution “has long been understood to authorize the use of force for” addressing threats emanating from Iraq, “as well as threats directed by Iran,” language that Democrats cited as a dangerous reading of the law that underscore­d the urgency of getting rid of it.

The House passed both measures as part of its version of the annual defense policy bill in July, but they were cut out of the final package after lawmakers had to negotiate with Republican­s to reconcile the package with a far less confrontat­ional version passed in the Senate.

During the negotiatio­n process, the White House, intent on creating the Space Force as the sixth branch of military and maintainin­g the ability to divert military constructi­on funds to pay for the border wall, had initially been open to considerin­g a repeal of the 2002 authorizat­ion of military force, according to three people familiar with the negotiatio­ns who requested anonymity to discuss private discussion­s. But the Pentagon intervened, and the repeal was taken off the table, the people said.

Trump at first appeared to give Republican­s permission to support the measure Wednesday morning, writing on Twitter with the message that, “I want everyone, Republican and Democrat, to vote their HEART!”

But by the evening, he reversed his stance, tweeting that the repeal was an attempt by Speaker Nancy Pelosi to “take away authority Presidents use to stand up to other countries and defend AMERICANS.”

“Stand with your Commander in Chiefs!” the president added.

Republican lawmakers on Thursday adopted a similar argument, contending that both amendments would shackle Trump’s presidenti­al prerogativ­es as commander in chief and endanger the nation’s security.

 ?? CALLA KESSLER/NEW YORK TIMES ?? President Donald Trump speaks Tuesday at a campaign rally in Wildwood, N.J.
CALLA KESSLER/NEW YORK TIMES President Donald Trump speaks Tuesday at a campaign rally in Wildwood, N.J.

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