Santa Fe New Mexican

Keeping business and friends apart


Dear Annie: My spouse and I are in our 70s, with numerous health issues. We decided we needed to sell our large home and move to something easier to maintain. We made the mistake of hiring the younger brother (“Jim”) of our best friend and neighbor “Jane.” Both assured us this business relationsh­ip would have no impact on our friendship. After four months with no activity and a flare-up of health concerns, we asked Jim to terminate our selling contract. (We called Jane to let her know of our decision.) Jim had said he would end the selling contract that day, but then he sent a text saying he couldn’t. We contacted his boss, who said it wouldn’t be a problem — and ended the contract. Now Jane is no longer speaking to us. We have called and written, seeking a chance to talk with her further. Last night, we received a vile letter in the mail from her, saying we were never her friend if we could do such an awful thing.

Ironically, we now feel we must sell and will put the house on the market again as soon as our health and stamina permit. But we are grieving the loss of this dear friend. Please let your readers know the dangers of doing business with friends — or their relatives. — Mourning in Madison

Dear Mourning in Madison: Working with friends can be risky business indeed. That being said, you might want to examine the terminated contract to ensure there are no clauses that would prevent you from listing it with another real estate agent within a certain time frame. I’d hate for this sticky situation to become even messier.

Dear Annie: Concerning the letter from “Parents at a Crossroads,” whose son has mental health issues and is unemployed: Please advise the parents to encourage him to explore vocational rehabilita­tion services that are available for persons with disabiliti­es. Each state has an organizati­on under the U.S. Department of Education, which can provide evaluation­s and assistance in locating and maintainin­g employment to persons with disabiliti­es. A variety of services can be provided at no cost to him including interview training, resume preparatio­n, job-seeking assistance, job coaching and follow-ups after securing employment.

The names of the organizati­ons vary by state but should not be difficult to locate. Typically, they are called Vocational Rehabilita­tion or something similar. I am a certified vocational evaluator. I evaluate persons with disabiliti­es to make recommenda­tions to such agencies concerning potential training or services that may be of assistance to help secure employment, identify and recommend types of positions and evaluate possible supports or accommodat­ions that would be helpful. — Debra M.

Dear Debra M: Thank you for sharing your expertise and offering potential resources at the federal and state level.

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