Santa Fe New Mexican

Do you plan to vote in the upcoming election?


Samuel Gilbert, Santa Fe Prep

“I am planning on voting in the next election because I want my community to be better than it currently is. Neglecting the responsibi­lity to vote signifies an acceptance of the status quo. It implies that the issues my community confronts cannot be solved politicall­y. I disagree with that apathetic mentality. My community can be greatly improved through political channels, and that makes me excited to vote for the first time this November.”

Lynn Robey, Middlebury College

“Yes, I do, because even if it sometimes seems like one person’s vote doesn’t make any difference, I think it’s important for everyone to make their voice heard in whatever way they can when it comes to such an important topic, one that affects us all, and voting is a relatively simple way to contribute.”

Mariposa Childson, University of New Mexico

“Yes, I am planning on voting in the upcoming election. I would rather take the chance of my vote changing the outcome than not vote and have no chance, and therefore no influence, at all.”

John Helfrick, New Mexico School for the Arts

“I am planning on voting in the upcoming election because I believe that voting is the only way to be represente­d in the government, no matter if you completely agree with the candidate that you vote for. If you don’t vote, you’re throwing away your right to shape the course of current events.“

Max Rivera, Humboldt State University

“Yes, I will be voting because I don’t want a replay of the joke that the last four years have been.”

Henry Jacobs, University of Chicago

“Maybe. If the MSM’s [militant socialist movement] pathetic and hypocritic­al smears of Bernie [Sanders] don’t prevent him from winning the primary, I’ll happily vote for him in the general election. He’s the only consistent progressiv­e.”

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