Santa Fe New Mexican

Social Security, Medicare not entitlemen­ts


Iwas disturbed to read Linda Chavez’s letter to the editor (“More good news,” Feb. 2) about Donald Trump cutting entitlemen­ts (“President opens door to entitlemen­t program cuts,” Jan. 23). At first I thought it would be sarcasm. When I realized it was serious, I couldn’t believe that someone really felt this way.

I have worked all of my adult life. I have had money taken out of my checks for Social Security and Medicare. It is our money to help us when we retire. I’m pretty sure many, if not all, of us are contributi­ng to these programs. I guess if you’ve never had to work and don’t have any concerns about retirement, you may not get the concept. I suggest doing some reading. I feel sorry for people who can’t understand that anyone can fall on hard times.

Kathy Farris Nambé

Register, research and vote

In a recent My View by former state Rep. Yvette Herrell (“Dems already feeling the heat,” Jan. 20), an argument was made that the impeachmen­t effort by the Democratic caucus was a failure. That failure will lead, Herrell says, to the defeat of several Democratic House members, including U.S. Rep. Xochitl Torres Small.

It is well known that Herrell covets that House seat. My point is that the House Democratic majority had no choice but to draw up articles of impeachmen­t. This was a matter of the Constituti­on, not politics.

President Donald Trump campaigned in 2016 on looking out for the little guy, restoring jobs, limiting immigratio­n and such. His record has shown otherwise. This country deserves much better. I am very proud of our congressio­nal delegation and plan to continue to support that delegation. I encourage everyone to register, research and vote.

Hank W. McGuire Santa Fe

Committed to better future

The Sierra Club’s Rio Grande Chapter has endorsed Teresa Leger Fernandez for New Mexico’s 3rd Congressio­nal District seat. From attending Head Start as a little girl in Las Vegas, N.M., to her outstandin­g profession­al and educationa­l achievemen­ts (Yale and Stanford), Leger Fernandez represents the challenges and opportunit­ies of her district.

To receive our endorsemen­t, Leger Fernandez went through a rigorous process. She stood out as a passionate and committed environmen­talist. She understand­s the urgency of this moment and the need to act to ensure the health of our planet for our children and generation­s to follow.

Along with our endorsemen­t, the Sierra Club will lend its volunteer strength to Leger Fernandez’s campaign.

Susan Martin

vice chairwoman, Rio Grande Chapter, Sierra Club Santa Fe

Left to heirs

Those who feel that all inheritanc­es should be taxed at much higher rates than is presently the case should realize that those who earned what is being inherited paid taxes throughout a lifetime — and probably at extremely high rates on these same assets. These people worked a lifetime to save so that their families could survive when they are gone. It should not be the right of government officials to take away all the savings of a lifetime for whatever purpose they decide upon.

Joette O’Connor Galisteo

Worth noting

In response to Steve Pearce’s My View (“President Trump is forever acquitted, bound for reelection,” Feb. 9) on Donald Trump’s acquittal in the “impeachmen­t hoax” and the “do-nothing Democrats,” it’s worth noting that according to the Washington Post, as of Nov. 14, the Democrat-controlled House had submitted 389 bills and 151 resolution­s to the Senate graveyard, where Mitch “Grim Reaper” McConnell refuses to bring any of them to the floor. Moreover, the Post reports that during his first 1,055 days in office, Trump made 15,413 false or misleading claims. Why should anyone believe what Trump or any of his surrogates have to say?

Janet Elder Santa Fe

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