Santa Fe New Mexican

Spit on, yelled at, attacked

Chinese Americans fear for their safety amid coronaviru­s outbreak

- By Sabrina Tavernise and Richard A. Oppel Jr.

YWASHINGTO­N uanyuan Zhu was walking to her gym in San Francisco on March 9, thinking the workout could be her last for a while, when she noticed that a man was shouting at her. He was yelling an expletive about China. Then a bus passed, she recalled, and he screamed after it, “Run them over.”

She tried to keep her distance, but when the light changed, she was stuck waiting with him at the crosswalk. She could feel him staring at her. And then, suddenly, she felt it: his saliva hitting her face and her favorite sweater.

In shock, Zhu, who is 26 and moved to the United States from China five years ago, hurried the rest of the way to the gym. She found a corner where no one could see her, and she cried quietly.

“That person didn’t look strange or angry or anything, you know?” she said of her tormentor. “He just looked like a normal person.”

As the coronaviru­s upends American life, Chinese Americans face a double threat. Not only are they grappling like everyone else with how to avoid the virus itself, they are also contending with growing racism in the form of verbal and physical attacks. Other Asian Americans — with families from Korea, Vietnam, the Philippine­s, Myanmar and other places — are facing threats, too, lumped together with Chinese Americans by a bigotry that does not know the difference.

In interviews over the past week, nearly two dozen Asian Americans across the country said they were afraid — to go grocery shopping, to travel alone on subways or buses, to let their children go outside. Many described being yelled at in public — a sudden spasm of hate that is reminiscen­t of the kind faced by Muslim Americans and other Arabs and South Asians after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

But unlike 2001, when President George W. Bush urged tolerance of Muslim Americans, President Donald Trump is using language that Asian Americans say is inciting racist attacks.

Trump and his Republican allies are intent on calling the coronaviru­s “the Chinese virus,” rejecting the World Health Organizati­on’s guidance against using geographic locations when naming illnesses, since past names have provoked a backlash.

Trump told reporters Tuesday that he was calling the virus “Chinese” to combat a disinforma­tion campaign by Beijing officials saying the U.S. military was the source of the outbreak. He dismissed concerns that his language would lead to any harm.

“If they keep using these terms, the kids are going to pick it up,” said Tony Du, an epidemiolo­gist in Howard County, Md., who fears for his son, Larry. “They are going to call my 8-year-old son a Chinese virus. It’s serious.”

Du said he posted on Facebook that “this is the darkest day in my 20-plus years of life in the United States,” referring to Trump’s doubling down on use of the term.

While no firm numbers exist yet, Asian American advocacy groups and researcher­s say there has been a surge of verbal and physical assaults reported in newspapers and to tip lines.

San Francisco State University found a 50 percent rise in the number of news articles related to the coronaviru­s and anti-Asian discrimina­tion between Feb. 9 and March 7. The lead researcher, Russell Jeung, a professor of Asian American studies, said the figures represente­d “just the tip of the iceberg” because only the most egregious cases would be likely to be reported by the media.

Jeung has helped set up a website in six Asian languages to gather firsthand accounts; some 150 cases have been reported on the site since it was started last Thursday.

Benny Luo, founder and chief executive of NextShark, a website focused on Asian American news, said the site used to get a few tips a day. Now it is dozens.

“We’ve never received this many news tips about racism against Asians,” he said. “It’s crazy. My staff is pulling double duty just to keep up.” He said he was hiring two more people to help.

No one is immune to being targeted. Dr. Edward Chew, head of the emergency department at a large Manhattan hospital, is on the front lines of fighting the coronaviru­s. He said over the past few weeks, he had noticed people trying to cover their nose and mouth with their shirts when they are near him.

Chew has been using his free time to buy protective gear, like goggles and face shields, for his staff, in case his hospital runs out. On Wednesday night at a Home Depot, with his cart filled with face shields, masks and Tyvek suits, he said he was harassed by three men in their 20s, who then followed him into the parking lot.

“I heard of other Asians being assaulted over this, but when you are actually ridiculed yourself, you really feel it,” he said the following day.

Attacks have also gotten physical.

In the San Fernando Valley in California, a 16-year-old Asian American boy was attacked in school by bullies who accused him of having the coronaviru­s. He was sent to the emergency room to see whether he had suffered a concussion.

In New York City, a woman wearing a mask was kicked and punched in a Manhattan subway station, and a man in Queens was followed to a bus stop, shouted at and then hit over the head in front of his 10-year-old son.

People have rushed to protect themselves. One man started a buddy-system Facebook group for Asians in New York who are afraid to take the subway by themselves. Gun shop owners in the Washington, D.C., area said they were seeing a surge of first-time Chinese American buyers.

At Engage Armament in Rockville, Md., most gun buyers in the first two weeks of March have been Chinese American or Chinese, according to the owner, Andy Raymond.

More than a fifth of Rockville’s residents are of Asian ethnicity, and Raymond said buyers from Korean and Vietnamese background­s were not unusual. But Raymond said he was stunned by the flow of Chinese customers — in particular green-card holders from mainland China — that began earlier this month, a group that rarely patronized his shop before.

“It was just nonstop, something I’ve never seen,” he said.

Du is trying to remain hopeful. He spends his weekends training to become a volunteer with Maryland’s emergency medical workers. He is part of a group of Chinese American scientists who organized a GoFundMe account to raise money for protective gear for hospital workers in the area. In three days, they raised more than $55,000, nearly all in small donations.

 ?? ALYSSA SCHUKAR ?? Chil Kong, a Korean American theater director, in Glen Echo, Md., on Thursday. For American-born Asians like him, there is a sudden sense of being watched that is as unsettling as it is unfamiliar.
ALYSSA SCHUKAR Chil Kong, a Korean American theater director, in Glen Echo, Md., on Thursday. For American-born Asians like him, there is a sudden sense of being watched that is as unsettling as it is unfamiliar.

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