Santa Fe New Mexican

Biden struggles as others lead on virus

- By Thomas Kaplan and Alexander Burns

With President Donald Trump providing daily televised briefings and governors like Andrew Cuomo emerging as national leaders during the coronaviru­s pandemic, former Vice President Joe Biden is still grappling with how to position himself as a prominent voice on a crisis that is pushing traditiona­l politics to the background.

Biden has been confined over the last week to an unusually small role for the likely — though not yet completely certain — nominee of a major political party. His public comments have been sparing and, for the most part, restrained. He has begun to ramp up a public schedule, beginning with an appearance on ABC’s The View on Tuesday, and his aides said he would now offer daily remarks on camera.

But Democratic strategist­s, some state officials and even some of his own aides have said that Biden needs to be more visible at a time when Americans are looking for leadership. The challenge for Biden, they say, is to find ways to draw sharp contrasts in leadership style with Trump while showing sensitivit­y to the severity of the crisis, and to break through when the nation is focused on more immediate concerns.

Jim Margolis, a veteran Democratic strategist, said Biden had “walked that line really well, but it’s hard. … The task is, are you able to cut through? Are you able to cut through when Americans are consumed by a virus that is in the news, and that’s all that’s being discussed, whether on the Senate floor, the White House briefing room or in emergency rooms?”

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