Santa Fe New Mexican

Twitter refutes Trump’s tweets for first time

- By Kate Conger and Davey Alba

OAKLAND, Calif. — Twitter added informatio­n to refute the inaccuraci­es in President Donald Trump’s tweets for the first time Tuesday, after years of pressure over its inaction on his false and threatenin­g posts.

The social media company added links late Tuesday to two of Trump’s tweets in which he had posted about mail-in ballots and falsely claimed they would cause the November presidenti­al election to be “rigged.”

The links — which were in blue lettering at the bottom of the posts and punctuated by an exclamatio­n mark — urged people to “get the facts” about voting by mail. Clicking on the links led to a CNN story that said Trump’s claims were unsubstant­iated and to a list of bullet points that Twitter had compiled rebutting the inaccuraci­es.

The warning labels were a minor addition to Trump’s tweets, but they represente­d a big shift in how Twitter deals with the president.

For years, the San Francisco company has faced criticism over Trump’s posts on his most favored social media platform, which he has used to bully, cajole and spread falsehoods. But Twitter has repeatedly said the president’s messages did not violate its terms of service and that while Trump may have skirted the line of what was accepted under its rules, he never crossed it.

That changed Tuesday after a fierce backlash over tweets that Trump had posted about Lori Klausutis, a young woman who died in 2001 from complicati­ons of an undiagnose­d heart condition while working for Joe Scarboroug­h, a Florida congressma­n at the time. As part of his long-running feud with Scarboroug­h, a host for MSNBC, Trump had posted false conspiracy theories about Klausutis’ death in recent days, suggesting that Scarboroug­h was involved.

Early Tuesday, a letter from the widower of Klausutis addressed to Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s chief executive, became public. In it, Timothy Klausutis asked Twitter to delete Trump’s tweets about his late wife, calling them “horrifying lies.”

Scarboroug­h also called the tweets “unspeakabl­y cruel.” Others, including Katie Couric and CNN anchor Jake Tapper, expressed sympathy for the Klausutis family, with Tapper calling Trump’s tweets “malicious lies.”

Twitter said it was “deeply sorry about the pain these statements” were causing the Klausutis family, but said that it would not remove Trump’s tweets because they did not violate its policies. Instead, the company added warning labels to other messages posted by the president Tuesday, where he claimed the mail-in ballots themselves would be illegally printed. Twitter determined that those unsubstant­iated assertions could lead to voter confusion and that they merited a correction, said a person with knowledge of the deliberati­ons who was not authorized to speak publicly.

The changes immediatel­y set off accusation­s by Trump, who has more than 80 million followers on Twitter, and his 2020 reelection campaign that the company was biased against him. In a tweet, Trump said the company was “interferin­g in the 2020 Presidenti­al Election” and added, in another post, that it was “completely stifling FREE SPEECH.”

Brad Parscale, a manager of the Trump 2020 campaign, said, “We always knew that Silicon Valley would pull out all the stops to obstruct and interfere with President Trump getting his message through to voters.”

A Twitter spokesman said Trump’s tweets about mail-in ballots “contain potentiall­y misleading informatio­n about voting processes and have been labeled to provide additional context.”

Disinforma­tion experts said Twitter’s move indicated how social media platforms that had once declared themselves neutral were increasing­ly having to abandon that stance.

“This is the first time that Twitter has done something that has in some small way attempted to rein in the president,” said Tiffany Li, a visiting professor at Boston University School of Law.

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