Santa Fe New Mexican



From the Santa Fe New Mexican

May 29, 1920: The attorney general’s office holds that the gasoline tax law is “separable,” Assistant Attorney General Harry S. Bowman wrote today in answer to an inquiry from the legal department of the Magnolia Petroleum company.

In other words the 2-cent tax imposed can be collected when the gasoline is not sold in the original containers in which it was shipped into the state.

May 29, 1945: A forest fire which had already covered about 400 acres of Indian Service land in the Santa Clara Canyon area, was expected to be stopped sometime today. The fire, which was being fought by Indian Services employees under the direction of Burton Smith raged largely in slash and young timber Forest Services officials helped in fighting the flames.

May 29, 1970: The editor in chief of the influentia­l Brussels newspaper Le Soir, Charles Andre Maurie Rebuffat, has visited Santa Fe on a wide swing around the United States in a search for the “American reality.”

May 29, 1995: Both opponents and defenders of Santa Fe police Chief Donald Grady II predicted an overwhelmi­ngly negative result in the vote of confidence on Grady last week. Both sides were right.

Out of 108 officers who voted in Thursday’s ballot, 103 indicated they had no confidence in Grady, while the remaining five voted favorably on the chief, according to a written statement released Sunday. Another 12 eligible officers did not vote in the election.

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