Santa Fe New Mexican

Socialite arrested, charged with helping Epstein procure underage girls for sex

- By Jim Mustiana and Larry Neumeister

British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested by the FBI on Thursday on charges she helped procure underage sex partners for financier Jeffrey Epstein.

An indictment made public Thursday said Maxwell, who lived for years with Epstein and was his frequent travel companion on trips around the world, facilitate­d Epstein’s crimes by “helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse” girls as young as 14. It also said she participat­ed in the sexual abuse.

Epstein, 66, killed himself in a federal detention center in New York last summer while awaiting trial on sex traffickin­g charges.

Maxwell has, for years, been accused by many women of recruiting them to give Epstein massages, during which they were pressured into sex. Those accusation­s, until now, never resulted in criminal charges.

Maxwell, 58, was arrested in New Hampshire, where the FBI said it had been keeping tabs on her.

“More recently we learned she had slithered away to a gorgeous property in New Hampshire, continuing to live a life of privilege while her victims live with the trauma inflicted upon them years ago,” William Sweeney, assistant director in charge of the FBI’s New York office, said at a news conference Thursday afternoon.

The indictment included counts of conspiracy to entice minors to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, enticement of a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, conspiracy to transport minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, transporta­tion of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and two counts of perjury.

“Maxwell lied because the truth, as alleged, was almost unspeakabl­e,” Audrey Strauss, the acting U.S. attorney in Manhattan, said at the news conference.

She called the charges against Maxwell a “prequel” to the charges prosecutor­s brought last summer against Epstein.

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Ghislaine Maxwell

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