Santa Fe New Mexican

Analysis: A choice at once safe and energizing

- By Jonathan Martin and Astead W. Herndon

IWASHINGTO­N n naming Kamala Harris as his running mate, Joe Biden made a groundbrea­king decision, picking a woman of color to be vice president and, possibly, a successor in the White House someday. Yet in some ways, Biden made a convention­al choice: elevating a senator who brings generation­al and coastal balance to the Democratic ticket and shares his center-left politics at a time of progressiv­e change in the party.

Unlike Barack Obama and George W. Bush, who selected veteran Washington hands as their vice presidents, Biden, 77, is opting for a time-honored model in which running mates are not just governing partners but political understudi­es of sorts. Pegged as a rising star for a decade, but with less than four years of experience in the Senate

of more than 160,000 people in the U.S., far more than the toll experience­d in other countries. Business closures and disruption­s resulting from the pandemic have caused severe economic problems. Unrest, meanwhile, has emerged across the country as Americans protest racism and police brutality.

Trump’s uneven handling of the crises has given Biden an opening, and he enters the fall campaign in strong position against the president. In adding Harris to the ticket, he can point to her relatively centrist record on issues such as health care and her background in law enforcemen­t in the nation’s largest state.

The president told reporters Tuesday he was “a little surprised” that Biden picked Harris, pointing to their debate stage disputes during the primary. Trump, who has donated to her previous campaigns, argued she was “about the most liberal person in the U.S. Senate.”

“I would have thought that Biden would have tried to stay away from that a little bit,” he said.

Harris’ record as California attorney general and district attorney in San Francisco was heavily scrutinize­d during the Democratic primary and turned away some liberals and younger Black voters who saw her as out of step on issues of racism in the legal system and police brutality. She declared herself a “progressiv­e prosecutor” who backs law enforcemen­t reforms.

Biden, who spent eight years as President Barack Obama’s vice president, has spent months weighing who would fill that same role in his White House. He pledged in March to select a woman as his vice president, easing frustratio­n among Democrats that the presidenti­al race would center on two white men in their 70s.

Biden’s search was expansive, including Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a leading progressiv­e; Florida Rep. Val Demings, whose impeachmen­t criticism of Trump won party plaudits; California Rep. Karen Bass, who leads the Congressio­nal Black Caucus; former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice; Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms, whose passionate response to unrest in her city garnered national attention, and reportedly New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham.

A woman has never served as president or vice president in the United States. Hillary Clinton was the Democratic presidenti­al nominee in 2016. Two women have been nominated as running mates on major party tickets: Democrat Geraldine Ferraro in 1984 and Republican Sarah Palin in 2008. Their parties lost in the general election.

The vice presidenti­al pick carries increased significan­ce this year. If elected, Biden would be 78 when inaugurate­d in January, the oldest man to ever assume the presidency. He’s spoken of himself as a transition­al figure and hasn’t fully committed to seeking a second term in 2024.

Harris, born in 1964 to a Jamaican father and Indian mother, spent much of her formative years in Berkeley, Calif. She has often spoken of the deep bond she shared with her mother, whom she has called her single biggest influence.

Harris won her first election in 2003 when she became San Francisco’s district attorney. In that post, she created a reentry program for low-level drug offenders and cracked down on student truancy.

She was elected California’s attorney general in 2010, the first woman and Black person to hold the job, and focused on issues including the foreclosur­e crisis. She declined to defend the state’s Propositio­n 8, which banned same-sex marriage and was later overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

After being elected to the Senate in 2016, she quickly gained attention for her assertive questionin­g of Trump administra­tion officials during congressio­nal hearings.

Harris launched her presidenti­al campaign in early 2019 with the slogan “Kamala Harris For the People,” a reference to her courtroom work. She was one of the highest-profile contenders in a crowded Democratic primary and attracted 20,000 people to her first campaign rally in Oakland.

But the early promise of her campaign eventually faded. Her law enforcemen­t background prompted skepticism from some progressiv­es, and she struggled to land on a consistent message that resonated with voters. Facing fundraisin­g problems, she abruptly withdrew from the race in December 2019, two months before the first votes of the primary were cast.

One standout moment of her presidenti­al campaign came at the expense of Biden. During a debate, she said Biden made “very hurtful” comments about his past work with segregatio­nist senators and slammed his opposition to busing as schools began to integrate in the 1970s.

“There was a little girl in California who was a part of the second class to integrate her public schools, and she was bused to school every day,” she said. “And that little girl was me.”

Shaken by the attack, Biden called her comments “a mischaract­erization of my position.”

The exchange resurfaced recently with a report that one of Biden’s closest friends and a co-chair of his vice presidenti­al vetting committee, former Connecticu­t Sen. Chris Dodd, still harbors concerns about the debate and that Harris hadn’t expressed regret.

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