Santa Fe New Mexican

Daughter needs to leave abuser


Dear Annie: You’ve probably heard this story a hundred times before. One of my daughters is in an abusive marriage. It is not physical but verbal abuse. Her husband is incredibly controllin­g: My daughter has no access to money or even mail. She has no freedom of choice in what she does, and he attempts to isolate her from family. He manipulate­s every situation, every possible situation to his advantage.

My daughter knows that she has full support from her parents and siblings, yet she freezes when she thinks of actually taking the step to leave him. How do I support my daughter when I am so frustrated and saddened by how broken she is? What do I say to assure her that I am ready to help her, but she has to do the heavy lifting? — Always a Mom

Dear Always: I know it’s frustratin­g and heartbreak­ing to watch a loved one in an abusive relationsh­ip. But if your daughter feels as though you’re angry or frustrated with her, it only plays into his hand. You must keep the faith and keep the patience. According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, on average a survivor will leave their abuser seven times before leaving them for good. And it isn’t because they’re broken or weak; it’s because it’s an extremely difficult situation for anyone to leave, for a variety of reasons. The more you understand the complexiti­es of abuse, the more you will sympathize with your daughter’s apparent hesitation. Visit https:// or call 1-800799-7233 anytime for informatio­n, resources and support. It’s free and confidenti­al.

Dear Annie: “Deliberati­ng Diarist” and others who have asked about what to do with a diary of their most intimate thoughts and experience­s might do well to take the long view. As a historian, I have read many diaries, journals and memoirs, some of which were never intended to be read by someone decades or even centuries later. What I have found in those diaries is the spirit of people who conquered life’s tragedies and difficulti­es and moved forward often to a good life. Personal diaries can be road maps for future generation­s. They help us navigate our own rocky roads.

“Deliberati­ng Diarist” has a great treasure in her complete diary. Her children will see her and her husband’s struggles and their triumph over alcoholism. This might increase their affection and admiration for their grandfathe­r and offer lessons in persistenc­e and love. Even the saddest diaries help us understand how real lives are lived and help us find beauty and goodness in our own lives.

For those who are wondering about leaving a diary to a historic institutio­n, they should ask if their diary can be set aside for some period of time so that sensitive names and events will not hurt living people. This is often possible and eventually gives historians the raw material from which we recreate the history of ordinary people. — Historian

Dear Historian: I appreciate your wide-lens perspectiv­e.

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