Santa Fe New Mexican

Food supplies to needy shouldn’t be politicize­d


Like many in our community, I was sorely disappoint­ed to receive an email last week from The Food Depot, Northern New Mexico’s food bank, announcing its decision to distribute thousands of boxes of meals that include what amounts to a political advertisem­ent from President Donald Trump.

The advertisem­ent came in the form of a letter on White House stationery, signed by Trump, just a few weeks before the hotly contested presidenti­al election. The administra­tion’s U.S. Department of Agricultur­e mandated that the letter be inserted by a national contractor into meal boxes that are now being distribute­d to food banks in communitie­s across our country.

This action is yet another a cynical and obvious attempt by the president to use taxpayers’ money to build political support while taking personal credit for an otherwise worthy effort designed to help those hurt by his own ineffectiv­e response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic catastroph­e.

You’ll remember that the president took the same approach earlier this year when letters bearing his signature went out to all taxpayers ahead of the pandemic relief checks, insinuatin­g that he alone was responsibl­e for the payments. Prior to this administra­tion, it would have been unthinkabl­e for a president to try to capitalize on the misfortune of our citizens while heaping praise upon himself.

In media reports last week, the head of Hunger Free America, a nationwide anti-hunger nonprofit, called the White House letters “absolutely outrageous.” He went on to say the letters “… essentiall­y blackmail nonpartisa­n food charities into aiding Trump’s reelection campaign by threatenin­g more Americans to go hungry if these food boxes are not distribute­d.”

Like food banks across the nation, our own highly respected and effective Food Depot has been placed between the proverbial rock and a hard place. As a nonprofit that’s not permitted to engage in political activity, the Depot’s leadership — operating under tremendous time pressure — was forced to confront this question: Do we distribute perishable meals containing a political ad or do we take the time to remove the letters?

This troubling episode began when a shipment of 4,000 boxes arrived here in Santa Fe by tractor trailer. The boxes of grocery items contained perishable food that had to be moved quickly out to locations across a huge swath of the state to be put directly into the hands of hungry New Mexicans. In an effort to explore every option to remain nonpartisa­n, The Food Depot evaluated the option of removing the letter from each box, a step that its national parent organizati­on, Feeding America, deemed permissibl­e. It soon became apparent that the Santa Fe-based Food Depot didn’t have enough people nor enough time to make this happen. Instead, they moved quickly to place stickers on each box that described the Food Depot’s nonpolitic­al, nonpartisa­n status. Local community centers, churches and other organizati­ons that distribute the meal boxes have been informed that they can remove the letters if they wish. Some did just that, while others did not.

Because more shipments are scheduled to arrive over the next several weeks, workers at The Food Depot may have time to do what food banks in other regions have done: put out an emergency call for volunteers to devote a day or two or three this month to open boxes, remove letters and reseal the boxes.

In the meantime, The Food Depot should immediatel­y engage the governor and our congressio­nal delegation to pressure on the Trump administra­tion to remove the letters before they are sent out to the nation’s food banks.

The Food Depot also could refuse to accept future shipments that include the letters. If The Food Depot believes this step would delay food distributi­on and deprive hungry New Mexicans of much-needed food, it should consider mounting an immediate new campaign in the community asking for a burst of donated food and money to fill this gap. But even with that, due to limited on-site refrigerat­ion and other resources, The Food Depot can’t accept donations of some of the types of food found in the USDA boxes, including fresh meat, cheese and yogurt, because of their highly perishable nature.

There appears to be no limits to Trump’s ability to drag good people and fine institutio­ns down to his level. Even noble efforts to feed our nation’s hungry can’t escape his insatiable appetite to feather his own bed.

Let’s not allow him to politicize anti-hunger organizati­ons like New Mexico’s Food Depot.

James A. Harnar retired in 2015 after a 30-year career as a nonprofit health care executive in Maine. A retired Navy o∞cer with 25 years of active duty and reserve service, he is a former volunteer at The Food Depot.

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