Santa Fe New Mexican

Friends remain at odds over politics


Dear Annie: I have close friends who in the past few years have gravitated to both the far left and far right of the sociopolit­ical spectrum.

It has made it hard on both my wife and me, as we sit somewhere in the middle. Today’s environmen­t does not seem to allow for compromise or conversati­ons of differing opinions.

I love my friends dearly, but have found myself less and less likely to join them in social gatherings. This is because conversati­ons always turn to politics, and the sarcasm, and sometimes vitriol, of my friends’ opinions ruins what should be a happy get-together.

The pandemic does not help, as it adds another layer of opinion to the conversati­on and limits the number of times we can all get together. I miss when we all could just get together and enjoy each other’s company.

Now, my wife and I would rather sit at home alone with the kids than go out and see anyone. I’m not sure how to deal with an isolation that is both pandemic and socially caused. How do we find a way to get back to a time when a get-together was a chance to unwind and visit with friends? — Stuck in the Middle

Dear Stuck in the Middle: You’re not alone. Our politics are extremely polarized these days. My advice is to agree in advance not to discuss politics, which includes a rule saying no snide cracks from either side.

That way, you can all enjoy the many things that made you friends in the first place.

Dear Annie: This is regarding the man who was not interested in being a grandparen­t. We have a daughter, and bringing her up was a privilege, but being a grandparen­t is 100 times better. We have a 27-month-old granddaugh­ter and another on the way, due just before the holidays.

I have friends who say it is better than being a parent because you don’t change diapers. Well, we still change the occasional diaper, but the greatest part is that we do not see our granddaugh­ter every day but perhaps twice every three weeks. We have become amazingly aware just how fast young children grow. It is a real treat to see our granddaugh­ter say new words or express new ideas that were completely off the radar a few weeks before.

I used to smoke and gave it up 35 years ago so I could make sure I was here to see my daughter grow up. But the privilege of seeing my granddaugh­ter is an even better reason, and something I could never have imagined as being so rewarding. A few weeks ago, she was visiting and wanted to come to the basement with me to try and find something. I told her she could only go if she held my hand on the stairs. It was as good a feeling as I have ever had. — Loving Grandpa

Dear Grandpa: I love your letter because you seem to appreciate all the joys of children and being a grandparen­t. It is finding those little moments of joy that make for a great big lifetime of happiness.

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