Santa Fe New Mexican

New roads pave way for growth of Israeli settlement­s

- By Joseph Krauss

JERUSALEM — In the coming years, Israelis will be able to commute into Jerusalem and Tel Aviv from settlement­s deep inside the West Bank via highways, tunnels and overpasses that cut a wide berth around Palestinia­n towns.

Rights groups say the new roads will set the stage for explosive settlement growth, even if the incoming U.S. administra­tion somehow convinces Israel to curb housing constructi­on. The costly infrastruc­ture projects signal that Israel intends to keep large swaths of the occupied territory in any peace deal and would make it even harder to establish a viable Palestinia­n state.

“This is not another hundred housing units there or here,” said Yehuda Shaul, an Israeli activist who has spent months researchin­g and mapping out the new projects. “This is de facto annexation on steroids.”

Constructi­on already is underway on a huge tunnel that Shaul says will one day allow settlers from Maale Adumim, a sprawling settlement east of Jerusalem, to drive into the city and onward to Tel Aviv without passing through a military checkpoint or even hitting a traffic light.

South of Jerusalem, work is underway to expand the main highway leading to the Gush Etzion settlement bloc and settlement­s farther south, with tunnels and overpasses designed to bypass Palestinia­n villages and refugee camps.

Palestinia­ns will be allowed to drive on many of the new roads, but the infrastruc­ture will be of limited use to them because they need permits to enter Israel or annexed east Jerusalem.

Israel seized the West Bank and east Jerusalem in the 1967 war and has since built a far-flung network of settlement­s that house nearly 700,000 Jewish settlers. The Palestinia­ns want both territorie­s for their future state and view the settlement­s as a violation of internatio­nal law and an obstacle to peace — a position with wide internatio­nal support.

Supporters of settlement­s view the West Bank and Jerusalem as the historical and biblical heart of Israel. But most Israelis live and work in the main cities. Except for an ideologica­l minority, most Israelis would be uncomforta­ble living deep inside the West Bank, where two-lane roads pass through military checkpoint­s and Palestinia­n villages, and where clashes and rock-throwing can erupt at any time.

 ?? MAJDI MOHAMMED/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A road to Israeli settlement­s is undergoing expansion, seen last month, inside the West Bank near the city of Bethlehem.
MAJDI MOHAMMED/ASSOCIATED PRESS A road to Israeli settlement­s is undergoing expansion, seen last month, inside the West Bank near the city of Bethlehem.

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