Santa Fe New Mexican

Legislatur­e can make prescripti­ons affordable

- Angelica Rubio is a Democratic state lawmaker representi­ng House District 35 in Las Cruces.

Iwas dishearten­ed and angered to learn that nearly half of New Mexicans have skipped taking medication or not filled a prescripti­on because of cost concerns, according to a recent statewide survey. That is unacceptab­le. Medication­s don’t work if people can’t afford them.

That’s why I am introducin­g legislatio­n to create a Prescripti­on Drug Affordabil­ity Board. Until now, big drug companies have been the only businesses in the health care industry whose rates are not regulated. The Legislatur­e can and must act to hold them accountabl­e.

The survey, conducted by

GBAO Strategies, found that 44 percent of New Mexicans skipped medication and 9 in 10 are either very or somewhat concerned about the cost of prescripti­on drugs. Those concerns are justified.

A study released recently by the nonpartisa­n policy research group, West Health Policy Center, found “more than 1.1 million Medicare patients could die over the next decade because they cannot afford to pay for their prescripti­on medication­s.”

It is time for the state Legislatur­e to step up and ensure all New Mexicans have access to affordable medication­s. A

Prescripti­on Drug Affordabil­ity Board would serve as an independen­t body with the authority to evaluate high cost drugs and set reasonable rates for consumers.

The state regulates the cost of health insurance, electricit­y and other critical utilities and it ought to look out for consumers of prescripti­on medication­s as well.

Maryland and Maine establishe­d such boards in 2019, and in 2020, 13 states introduced legislatio­n.

The intent is to set the maximum amount purchasers and health insurers pay for the costliest drugs, which reduces costs and increases access for consumers and payors. An affordabil­ity board can review informatio­n from public sources and establish an upper payment limit that allows an affordable way for everyone in the state who should get the drug access to it.

New Mexico can fight back and protect our most vulnerable. This session we should create a Prescripti­on Drug Affordabil­ity Board and make drugs more affordable for New Mexicans.

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