Santa Fe New Mexican

How we move from Jan. 6

- Teresa Leger Fernandez represents New Mexico’s 3rd Congressio­nal District in the U.S. House of Representa­tives. She is a Democrat serving a first term.

Wednesday, Jan. 6, was my fourth day on the job. I awoke with the excitement of performing my constituti­onal duty to certify the historic election where almost 160 million Americans voted, giving Joe Biden the presidency.

It was also New Mexico’s 109th birthday, and I began my day singing “Las Mañanitas” to my beautiful state. I was on the job as the member of Congress for New Mexico’s 3rd District when President Donald Trump invited those he had amassed in Washington, D.C., to “fight like hell.”

The anger and fear the deadly attack on our Capitol aroused in me are indescriba­ble; they struck deep into my core and soul. The anger arose because the democracy that I love so dearly was physically under attack by an ugly mob with white supremacis­ts and neo-Nazis brazenly leading the charge of Trump supporters.

As the insurrecti­on escalated, my son Dario, my staff and I, along with my congressio­nal colleagues and their staff, were under siege. Though locked behind barricaded doors, we were also determined to outlast the violence, to return to the House floor and conduct the people’s business. I want to thank all those who sent their prayers, blessings and expression­s of concern and support — you replenish the internal well of determinat­ion and caring.

Our democracy is in a never-ending process of perfecting. It began incredibly imperfect. But since our founding, Americans worked to expand rights, increase access to voting and empower previously marginaliz­ed communitie­s. Notably, with the 14th and 19th Amendments, the Indian Citizenshi­p Act, the Civil Rights Acts and most importantl­y, on-the-ground organizing, our democracy can and is getting better.

But our democracy also is vulnerable and needs protection, the way we must protect anything we love. When we love something, whether a person, a community or an ideal, we instinctiv­ely jump into action when it is threatened. As a mama bear or a lioness would protect her cubs. The way we protect our democracy is with the hard work of organizing, registerin­g and voting. We push back against those that would limit our vote, or seek to overturn an

election — whether by lying about its integrity or storming our Capitol.

We must renew our faith in our election system, and that begins now. We should celebrate the historic turnout, even during a pandemic, for an election that experts acknowledg­e was the most secure in American history. Rather than bemoan that so many voted for the other party’s candidate, we should be impressed that so many peacefully participat­ed in choosing our next president.

And we must expand participat­ion. Societies fail when they concentrat­e power and wealth in the very few. Our strength as a society comes from our democracy. Protecting and nurturing our democracy requires expanding power and resources out to our communitie­s, expanding power to the people so we all can thrive.

State legislatur­es that pass laws to suppress the vote are only weakening our nation. The late Rep. John Lewis told us that, “Democracy is not a state. It is an act, and each generation must do its part to help build what we called the beloved community, a nation and world society at peace with itself.”

In Congress, we will act. We will pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, and H.R. 1, the For the People Act, which will greatly expand the ability of all citizens to vote, reform campaign finance law, require independen­t redistrict­ing commission­s and prevent states from suppressin­g the active participat­ion of vulnerable minority communitie­s in our democracy. I invite all of us to protect and care for our beloved community; to use love to inspire instead of hate to destroy.

That is how we move beyond the infamy of Jan. 6.

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