Santa Fe New Mexican

Conservati­ve voices being silenced

- Anita Statman is vice chair of the Republican Party for the 3rd Congressio­nal District.

Almost every day, now you hear something in the news that limits the conservati­ve voice. And this past week is no different. We recently learned that the big three media progressiv­e companies — Google, Apple and Amazon — have dismantled Parler.

Parler is a relatively new platform for uncensored conservati­ve conversati­ons. They took away the advertiser­s, they took it off the app store and Google, and they even removed its servers — literally. If it were just corporate greed, it would be easier to take. While no one is sadder than I that Neiman Marcus permanentl­y closed this summer, we understand it just couldn’t compete. That’s a market-driven data point. (Well, the closing of most of its major storefront­s didn’t help, either.)

But this feels much different. The big three still allow unfettered access to TikTok — the app that the Chinese government uses to spy on children and us. Tinder is available, too, at the Apple store. However, when downloads of Parler went from 4 billion to 8 billion last week after Twitter banned Trump for life, it was too much for them. And so big media killed it.

We need conservati­ve platforms. We need uncensored platforms. It’s in our American DNA to talk, debate, share ideas and be social more now than ever since our connection­s with people are limited — because of the socialist state policies that we can’t make decisions for ourselves.

You may think this type of censorship doesn’t really affect us. But it does.

Our Santa Fe FRW Facebook page is a place where we can vent, laugh and talk. But just last month, Facebook censored one of our club members. Each time this person continues to post — about twice a week — I get an email from Facebook asking me to individual­ly approve these posts. The censorship is blatant in that Facebook decided I have to approve these posts for 60 days. The time is near where we will have to consider a new platform for our club.

These actions by the totalitari­an left are all around us.

We need to be vigilant in recognizin­g that our freedoms are under attack. We’re all wearing masks, restaurant­s are closed, highway signs actually tell us to stay home, and now our ability to choose media platforms is being taken away from us. I know and love these United States, rooted in the belief in the individual, in states’ rights and capitalism.

Nonetheles­s, I can’t ignore the fact that today it feels more like Communist China.

This leads me to New Mexico’s legislativ­e session that opens Tuesday — except that it’s not open to the public. But that won’t deter us.

The session will be packed with attacks on our families, faith and freedom, such as decriminal­izing marijuana or reducing protection­s for pregnant women. Please respond to our calls for action. We may ask you to make calls to the Governor’s Office, to send emails to certain legislator­s or to rally at the state Capitol, socially distanced with masks. Our voices matter.

The progressiv­e Legislatur­e must hear from the other side. Comments from the public are recorded and counted. Please help us show the Legislatur­e we’re here and we will be heard.

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