Santa Fe New Mexican

Spouse constantly needs reassuranc­e


Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married for almost 12 years. We have been together for almost 20 years and have three beautiful children. The problem is that he has always needed more assurance of love than me — e.g., he asks, “Do you love me,” even though I constantly remind him that I love and appreciate him. It’s lately been more annoying because I just had a baby. I’ve done everything to show him love. I’ve even disregarde­d my doctors’ recommenda­tions of the minimum time off intimacy, postpartum.

I’ve tried in many different ways to show him. I use verbal reassuranc­e and I also show him by doing things I know he appreciate­s. The other day he asked me, “How much do you love me?” and I almost lost my temper. My husband has no loving relationsh­ip with his mother and everything he has tried to get her attention or for her to show him love of any kind has not been successful. I wonder if that could be the root of it all.

Help me understand what is it that my husband needs and what can I do differentl­y. — Frustrated

Dear Frustrated: It’s not about anything that you can do differentl­y. Tell him you love him a million times a day; it won’t be enough — not until he gets into therapy and processes his abandonmen­t issues. Urge him to make an appointmen­t today. Offer to go with him to the first session, if that helps him to take this step. With some profession­al help, he can begin laying the foundation of a healthy sense of self. Otherwise, your attempts to shore him up will be like trying to build a house on quicksand.

Read on for some additional insights that might be relevant to you.

Dear Annie: In a recent response, you wrote, in part: “I recommend reading Melody Beattie’s ‘Codependen­t No More’ and attending some meetings of a support group such as Families Anonymous before deciding on your next move.”

Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping to enlighten folks about codependen­cy, a harmful set of behaviors that, as you point out, enable people to continue in their dysfunctio­n.

The vast majority of answers to help columns such as yours could point people to self-help programs on codependen­cy. One of the key programs is Codependen­ts Anonymous (CoDA), but any -anon group addresses codependen­cy (e.g., Al-Anon, Nar-Anon, Adult Children of Alcoholics).

One of the key phrases from such programs? Mind your own business (MYOB). As the mother lets go and the son experience­s the consequenc­es of his actions and decisions, the sooner he may help himself. No one can do it for him. — Living Freely

Dear Living Freely: “MYOB”: I think most of us could use a tattoo of that on the palm. Good across-the-board advice for anyone — and thanks for the recommenda­tion of Codependen­ts Anonymous, another well-respected support group.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.

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