Santa Fe New Mexican

Woman is treated poorly by in-law


Dear Annie: I raised my son, who is now 41, as a single mom. I am 75. My son and I have always been very close. Ten years ago, he married a very intelligen­t woman, and now I have two beautiful grandchild­ren.

I was getting along well with everyone, but now my life is so depressing because my daughter-in-law hates me. She is angry with me and thinks I’m a horrible person because my son was conceived during a one-night stand while on vacation, and I didn’t remember the man’s name or any details about him.

Two years ago, my son found his father through DNA tests, and it turned out to be so wonderful. They now love each other. My son is so happy, but his wife still hates me.

I do their housework and more, and I just ignore her to avoid confrontat­ion. I’m now not allowed to visit there, as I ruined one of her sweaters when doing the laundry. I offered to replace it, but she said NO.

I’m so depressed because I miss my family and the pandemic has kept me isolated. My son has to agree with her to keep the peace. At this point, my health is being affected. What should I do? — Feeling Very Lonely

Dear Lonely: Your daughterin-law sounds entitled, judgmental and cruel. She is bullying you for a choice made four decades ago — that resulted in her meeting her future husband! Given that your son picked her and she is the mother of your grandchild­ren, you should find a way to make it work. That doesn’t mean being a doormat, either. Speak with your son to try and better understand why you are not allowed over. Tell him just what you told me — that you are lonely because of the pandemic and miss them so much. Also, know that you are not alone; many people feel depressed after a year of isolation.

Dear Annie: I’m the type of person who minds their own business and tries to live peacefully with everyone. I expect people to respond accordingl­y. However, very often I seem to get the opposite in return.

For example, I was confiding in my sister about my health and finances. She told our other siblings.

I was very annoyed and have hard feelings toward her because I thought we had an understand­ing that our conversati­on was private. She should have known this without me telling her. I mean, if I wanted our entire family to know my business, I would have done a group chat.

How do I adjust my expectatio­ns of dealing with my family to be more realistic? If that’s what’s wrong . ... I honestly just don’t know what to do moving forward to avoid hard feelings. — Hard Feelings

Dear Hard Feelings: Saying, “She should have known this without me telling her,” is exactly where the communicat­ion broke down. Next time you confide in someone — even your sister — explicitly say that you want that person to keep the informatio­n to themselves.

Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators. com.

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