Santa Fe New Mexican

What’s next for movement?

- By Audra D.S. Burch, Amy Harmon, Sabrina Tavernise and Emily Badger

George Floyd had been dead only hours before the movement began. Driven by a terrifying video and wordof-mouth, people flooded the South Minneapoli­s intersecti­on shortly after Memorial Day, demanding an end to police violence against Black Americans.

The moment of collective grief and anger swiftly gave way to a yearlong, nationwide deliberati­on on what it means to be Black in America.

First came protests, growing every day, until they turned into the largest mass protest movement in U.S. history. Nearly 170 Confederat­e symbols were renamed or removed from public spaces. The Black Lives Matter slogan was claimed by a nation grappling with Floyd’s death.

Over the next 11 months, calls for

racial justice would touch seemingly every aspect of American life on a scale that historians say had not happened since the civil rights movement of the 1960s.

On Tuesday, Derek Chauvin, the white police officer who knelt on Floyd, was convicted of two counts of murder as well as manslaught­er. The verdict brought some solace to activists for racial justice who had been riveted to the courtroom drama for the past several weeks.

But for many Black Americans, real change feels elusive, particular­ly given how relentless­ly the killing of Black men by the police has continued on, most recently the shooting death of Daunte Wright just over a week ago.

There are also signs of backlash: Legislatio­n that would reduce voting access, protect the police and effectivel­y criminaliz­e public protests have sprung up in Republican-controlled state legislatur­es.

The entire arc of the Floyd case — from his death and the protests through the trial and conviction of Chauvin — played out against the backdrop of the coronaviru­s pandemic, which further focused attention on the nation’s racial inequities: People of color were among those hardest hit by the virus and by the economic dislocatio­n that followed. And for many, Floyd’s death carried the weight of many racial episodes over the past decade, a list that includes the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland and Breonna Taylor.

In the months after Floyd’s death, some change has been concrete. Scores of policing reform laws were introduced at the state level. Corporatio­ns pledged billions to racial equity causes, and the NFL apologized for its failure to support protests against police violence by its Black players. Even the backlash was different. Racist statements by dozens of public officials, from mayors to fire chiefs, related to Floyd’s death — perhaps tolerated before — cost them their jobs and sent others to anti-racism training.

And, at least at first, American views on a range of questions related to racial inequality and policing shifted to a degree rarely seen in opinion polling. Americans, and white Americans in particular, became much more likely than in recent years to support the Black Lives Matter movement, to say that racial discrimina­tion is a big problem and to agree that excessive police force disproport­ionately harms African Americans.

Floyd’s death, most Americans agreed early last summer, was part of a broader pattern — not an isolated incident. A New York Times poll of registered voters in June showed that more than 1 in 10 had attended protests. And at the time, even Republican politician­s in Washington were voicing support for police reform.

But the shift proved fleeting for Republican­s — both elected leaders and voters. As some protests turned destructiv­e and as Donald Trump’s reelection campaign began using those scenes in political ads, polls showed white Republican­s retreating in their views that discrimina­tion is a problem. Increasing­ly in the campaign, voters were given a choice: They could stand for racial equity or with law-and-order. Republican officials once vocal about Floyd fell silent.

“If you were on the Republican side, which is really the Trump side of this equation, then the message became, ‘No, we can’t acknowledg­e that that was appalling because we will lose ground,’ ” said Patrick Murray, the director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute. “‘Our worldview is it’s us against them. And those protesters are going to be part of the them .’”

Floyd’s death did, however, drive some changes, at least for now, among non-Republican white Americans in their awareness of racial inequality and support for reforms. And it helped cement the movement of collegeedu­cated suburban voters, already dismayed by what they saw as Trump’s race-baiting, toward the Democratic Party.

“The year 2020 is going to go down in our history books as a very significan­t, very catalytic time,” said David Bailey, whose Richmond, Va.-based nonprofit, Arrabon, helps churches around the country do racial reconcilia­tion work. “People’s attitudes have changed at some level. We don’t know fully all of what that means. But I am hopeful I am seeing something different.”

But even among Democratic leaders, including local mayors and recently President Joe Biden, dismay over police violence has often been paired with warnings that protesters avoid violence too. That associatio­n — linking Black political anger and violence — is deeply rooted in America and has not been broken in the past year, said Davin Phoenix, a political scientist at the University of California, Irvine.

“Before Black people even get a chance to process their feelings of trauma and grief, they’re being told by people they elected to the White House — that they put into power — ‘Don’t do this, don’t do that,’ ” Phoenix said. “I would love if more politician­s, at least those that claim to be allied, turn to the police and say, ‘Don’t do this, don’t do that.’ ”

What opinion polling has not captured well is whether white liberals will change the behaviors — like opting for segregated schools and neighborho­ods — that reinforce racial inequality. Even as the outcry over Floyd’s death has raised awareness of it, other trends tied to the pandemic have only exacerbate­d that inequality. That has been true not just as Black families and workers have been disproport­ionately hurt by the pandemic, but as white students have fared better amid remote education and as white homeowners have gained wealth in a frenzied housing market.

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