Santa Fe New Mexican

Electric vehicle ‘ecosystem’ planned for Northern N.M.

Wide-ranging talk with Taos officials addresses infrastruc­ture needs

- By Michael Tashji

TAOS — Civic, academic and business leaders from across Northern New Mexico recently joined online to discuss a comprehens­ive regional plan to build an electric vehicle “ecosystem” in the Enchanted Circle and beyond.

The kickoff discussion, organized by Kit Carson Electric Cooperativ­e CEO Luís Reyes Jr., addressed electric vehicle infrastruc­ture, public transporta­tion, municipal fleets, commercial activities, personal and rental vehicles, and other related issues.

“As you all know, there’s a lot of monies that are coming out under this infrastruc­ture bill that President [Joe] Biden is putting together — a lot of opportunit­ies for us in the different sectors to make some exciting things happen,” said Bobby Ortega, chairman of the co-op’s board.

More than 50 attendees participat­ed in the freewheeli­ng discussion, including state legislator­s, local county representa­tives, Pueblo leaders, law enforcemen­t, University of New Mexico and Northern New Mexico College representa­tives, school district superinten­dents, and members of the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management.

“To make this work, we’ve also invited some of our key community partners, such as Taos Ski Valley and Angel Fire Corp. They both are big players in our community and have the ability to enable fleets — and really be progressiv­e in this phase,” Reyes said.

“When I talk about the community, I’m actually talking about a regional approach from the north of Santa Fe up into our territory so that we don’t leave anyone behind,” he said. “We’re actually an extended family.”

The transition to electric vehicles complement­s the region’s core industries — tourism and outdoor recreation.

“As people drive up to the Enchanted Circle or Peñasco or through Española, we want them — if they drive EVs — to have charging stations,” Reyes said.

The electric co-op operates four charging stations — at its Taos headquarte­rs, the UNMTaos campus, Taos Eco Park and the Park & Ride lot near the K-TAOS station.

In May 2020, the cooperativ­e and its partners received a $200,000 grant from the New Mexico Environmen­t Department to install more charging stations throughout the Enchanted Circle — one of 43 projects across the state as part of the Volkswagen Settlement Fund.

David Norden, CEO of the Taos Ski Valley resort, said it has eight charging stations and plans to add more.

Reyes said a rapid commercial charging station can cost up to $70,000, while a station that takes longer to get a full charge costs around $30,000.

“We don’t know how many electric vehicles we have in the three counties we serve — Taos, Colfax and Rio Arriba,” Reyes said, adding there isn’t any way to count the number coming into the region from other states. “That’s important to know, so we can plan the proper infrastruc­ture to support them.”

State Rep. Kristina Ortez, D-Taos, offered her ideas for getting residents to buy into an electric vehicle future.

“We must be thinking about infrastruc­ture at houses and apartments, and how we’re going to serve folks who have electric vehicles right at the places they live,” she said.

“There was a bill the governor signed this year to expand the Sustainabl­e Buildings Tax Credit, with the requiremen­t there be an EV plug-in for electric vehicles,” Ortez said. “I’m wondering if there’s an opportunit­y to use some of these infrastruc­ture funds to put towards credits for [Kit Carson] customers, so if they want to put in an EV charging station, they get some support.”

A home-use charging station typically costs $350-$600, plus $200 for installati­on. Some drivers are able to use their standard 110-volt outlet to supply enough power for a day’s worth of driving.

The effort also will involve a transition to electric vehicles for dealership­s and auto mechanics.

“I spoke to a mechanic who said he’s getting requests to service electric vehicles, but he doesn’t have the technical capacity and the crew that knows how to service those,” said Anwar Kaelin, director of the Small Business Developmen­t Center at UNM-Taos.

In 2020, the North Central Regional Transit District was awarded a $2.9 million grant from the Federal Transit Administra­tion to buy five new electric Blue Buses.

The transit district also recently submitted an applicatio­n to the state for additional funding for electric Blue Buses in Taos and is planning a new facility in Taos that will include solar power.

Delilah Garcia, the transit district’s operations director, said charging stations for the Blue Buses would need to be industrial strength.

The organizati­on would need to coordinate with Kit Carson to make sure its needs could be met, she added.

In addition to public transit vehicles, electric police cars and ambulances are now being made available.

“We just ordered a new firetruck for our district,” Angel Fire Village Councilor Bruce Jassmann said. “And believe it or not, they said, ‘We could sell you an electric firetruck.’ So that’s being marketed nowadays too.”

Reyes outlined what he saw as the next necessary steps — create working groups to tackle individual aspects of the overall strategy and find ways to get the public informed and on board.

“We can work collaborat­ively to address this issue, and it’s something we can market,” Reyes said. “We can sell our community as the EV capital of the world.”

A version of this story first appeared in The Taos News ,a sister publicatio­n of the Santa Fe New Mexican.

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