Santa Fe New Mexican



HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Sunday, May 9, 2021:

You are honest, open and direct. Not only are you practical, you also have a wonderful, artistic imaginatio­n. As your new year begins, you are entering a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Be open to letting go of old habits and habitual patterns in your life. Consider new ways of doing things, because this year will bring you fresh opportunit­ies.

The stars show the kind of day you’ll have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult

ARIES (March 21-April 19)


On the whole, this is an upbeat, powerful day for you because, for most of this day, the moon is in your sign; plus, it’s dancing with lucky Jupiter. This makes you feel optimistic and exuberant!

This Week: You will appreciate the beauty of your daily surroundin­gs and realize how much others care for you. Sweet!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)


This is a favorable time for you with both the sun and your ruler, fair Venus, in your sign. This is why you feel so friendly and sociable with everyone. Because you have a warm feeling in your tummy, you will enjoy your own solitude.

This Week: You have moneymakin­g ideas; furthermor­e, you might attract money to you this week. Expect to shop for pretty things.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20)


Today part of you wants to hide, while the other part of you wants to get out and chat to everyone. No doubt, your involvemen­t with groups and organizati­ons will be positive. In particular, you might be involved in a charitable enterprise.

This Week: You will be chatty and sociable this week. This is also an excellent week to buy wardrobe treasures for yourself.

CANCER (June 21-July 22)


You make a favorable impression on others today, which is why people admire you and might be talking about you. (Creative and artistic friends are also in the picture.) This is a good day to go after what you want, because Mars in your sign gives you an edge!

This Week: Although this is a popular week, you will welcome solitude in beautiful surroundin­gs. (Some will have a secret love affair.)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)


Today you need to shake things up a bit because you want to do something different. You want to break free from your daily routine. Ideally, you would love to travel. Go someplace you’ve never been before. Be proactive about going after what you want.

This Week: You will enjoy hanging out with younger, creative, artistic people, who might influence your future goals.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)


You’re in an adventurou­s frame of mind today, which is why travel and adventure will appeal to you. However, when it comes to financial matters, you feel so generous, you’re tempted to give away the farm. (Generosity is a good thing, but remember your own self-interests.)

This Week: Discussion­s with bosses, parents and VIPs will be important, but they will go well. Romance with a boss is possible. Others want your creative advice about something.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)


Because today the moon is opposite your sign, you have to be cooperativ­e with others. Be prepared to go more than halfway. You will come out smelling like a rose because, at this time, issues, especially financial matters, will tend to go your way.

This Week: Your desire to travel is strong. You will also love to explore new ideas and philosophi­es. Your appreciati­on of beauty will be heightened.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)


This is a solid day. Issues related to partners and close friends are warm and supportive. Meanwhile, business related to your job, a pet or your health also will be affirming and positive, which pretty much gives you the green light for today.

This Week: Financial discussion­s about inheritanc­es and the wealth of those who are close to you will ultimately benefit you. Gifts might come to you. Intimacy will be passionate!

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)


You’re in work mode, trying to get better organized. You want to improve your health as well. Today, however, you want to play! Fortunatel­y, physical sports and exercise will fill the bill for you. You can improve yourself while having fun. Yay!

This Week: Relations with partners, spouses and close friends will be warm and enjoyable. Expect to share lively discussion­s.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)


Because this is a fun-loving, playful time for you today, you might entertain at home, or several people might spontaneou­sly gather where you live. The purpose of this gathering could be for fun, for education or for charitable purposes. (Just your bubble.)

This Week: Roll up your sleeves, because you will be more hands-on with your work. Expect praise and possibly a raise at work.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)


Look around you. Everything you see began with a thought. (Without question.) Because you are optimistic and inclined to believe in your ideas today, who knows where this may lead? Remember: Everything begins with a thought.

This Week: It’s a lightheart­ed, playful week! Romance will flourish. Enjoy vacations, sports events and fun activities with kids. Accept invitation­s to socialize.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)


This is a good money day for you. You might see ways to boost your earnings or you might attract money to you. This is a positive day for you!

This Week: Tackle home repairs. Enjoy family discussion­s. Entertain at home and start some redecorati­ng projects. Fix the place up!

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