Santa Fe New Mexican

U.S. restores transgende­r health shield denied in Trump era

- By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

WASHINGTON — The federal government will protect gay and transgende­r people against sex discrimina­tion in health care, the Biden administra­tion declared Monday, reversing a Trumpera policy that narrowed rights at the intersecti­on of changing social mores and sensitive medical decisions.

It marked the latest step by President Joe Biden to advance the rights of gay and transgende­r people across society, from military service, to housing, to employment opportunit­ies.

The policy announceme­nt by the Department of Health and Human Services affirms that federal laws forbidding sex discrimina­tion in health care also protect gay and transgende­r people. The Trump administra­tion had defined “sex” to mean gender assigned at birth, thereby excluding transgende­r people from the law’s umbrella of protection.

“Fear of discrimina­tion can lead individual­s to forgo care, which can have serious negative health consequenc­es,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “Everyone — including LGBTQ people — should be able to access health care, free from discrimina­tion or interferen­ce, period.”

Both opponents and supporters of Biden’s action said it’s likely to lead to litigation.

Speaking for the medical community, the American Medical Associatio­n said in a statement the Biden administra­tion “did the right thing” by ending “a dismal chapter which a federal agency sought to remove civil rights protection­s.” But some conservati­ves warned that doctors could be forced to perform gender reassignme­nt procedures against their profession­al judgment.

Becerra said HHS will now be aligned with a landmark 6-3 Supreme Court decision last year in a workplace discrimina­tion case, which establishe­d that federal laws against sex discrimina­tion on the job also protect gay and transgende­r people.

In a tweet at the time, then-President Donald Trump called the decision “horrible & politicall­y charged.” Undeterred by the ruling, his administra­tion proceeded to try to narrow protection­s against discrimina­tion in health care. But Biden early on in his term directed government agencies to apply the Supreme Court’s reasoning to areas under their jurisdicti­on.

Monday’s action means that the HHS Office for Civil Rights will again investigat­e complaints of sex discrimina­tion on the basis of sexual orientatio­n and gender identity. Hospitals, clinics and other medical providers can face denial of Medicare and Medicaid payments for violations of the law.

Since the Trump transgende­r rule had been blocked by a federal judge, the Biden administra­tion action essentiall­y restores a policy establishe­d during the Obama years. The Affordable Care Act prohibited sex discrimina­tion in health care but did not use the term “gender identity.” The Obama administra­tion interprete­d the law as shielding gay and transgende­r people as well.

Conservati­ve lawyer Roger Severino, who as a former HHS official oversaw the drafting of the Trump rules, said the Biden administra­tion cut corners in issuing its new policy.

“This is inflaming the culture wars, especially when you are trying to circumvent the process,” said Severino, now at the Ethics and Public Policy Center think tank. Partly because of conflictin­g lower court rulings on the Trump and Obama policies, Becerra should have undertaken a formal rule-making, which can take months. “I expect lawsuits,” Severino added.

But civil rights advocates said the Supreme Court’s ruling on transgende­r protection­s essentiall­y wiped the slate clean for Biden. “The Supreme Court has already laid out the reasoning that applies under all sex discrimina­tion laws,” said Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, a lawyer for Lambda Legal. “They did so in an employment case but their reasoning applies equally in health care, in education, and in housing.”

In recent years the understand­ing of sex has broadened to acknowledg­e a person’s inner sense of being male, female, neither or a combinatio­n.

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