Santa Fe New Mexican

Feds move to bring back protection­s weakened, lost under Trump

- By Dino Grandoni and Darryl Fears

WASHINGTON — The Biden administra­tion announced plans on Friday to reverse policies implemente­d under President Donald Trump that weakened the Endangered Species Act, a half-century-old law credited with the recovery of the bald eagle, humpback whale, grizzly bear and dozens of other species

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service are both moving to undo much of the Trump administra­tion’s work altering the ways habitats of plants and animals on the verge of extinction are kept from total collapse.

The decision to bolster the federal government’s power to protect vanishing plants and animals comes as the world finds itself in the midst of what United Nations scientists say is a worldwide decline in biodiversi­ty that threaten to erode food systems and other key parts of the global economy.

Martha Williams, principal deputy director at the Fish and Wildlife Service, said in a statement her agency will work with both industry and Native American tribes “to not only protect and recover America’s imperiled wildlife but to ensure cornerston­e laws like the Endangered Species Act are helping us meet 21st century challenges.”

Led by former Interior secretary David Bernhardt, an expert on the Endangered Species Act, the Trump administra­tion whittled down several long-standing protection­s for imperiled plants and animals that the Biden administra­tion now intends to revise or outright rescind.

For example, the previous administra­tion allowed wildlife officials to take the economic cost of conserving species into account when deciding whether to put a plant or animal on the endangered species list — a move many environmen­talists claimed violated both the letter and spirit of the law.

Trump officials also made it easier to remove protection­s for threatened species, such as the American burying beetle, which once scurried nearly everywhere east of the Rockies but now lives in only a few parts of the country and is further threatened by climate change. Under Trump, the Fish and Wildlife Service weaken protection­s for the beetle at the behest of oil and gas drillers who must work around the imperiled insect.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service say they will reverse those rules.

David Henkin, a senior attorney at Earthjusti­ce, which sued the Trump administra­tion over the changes, said the Biden administra­tion’s announceme­nt is “excellent news for critically endangered species.”

“As long as they do it quickly,” he added, “we can avoid bad on-theground consequenc­es.”

Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz., chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, called the announceme­nt “a good start,” urging the Biden administra­tion to update the regulation in a way that safeguards species threatened by rising temperatur­es.

“With climate change bearing down on us and no serious doubt remaining about the consequenc­es of inaction, we should take this opportunit­y to update all federal standards as thoroughly as possible to prevent habitat destructio­n and biodiversi­ty loss before it’s too late,” he said in a statement.

Historical­ly hailed as a success by the World Wildlife Fund and other conservati­on groups, the Endangered Species Act has helped keep the vast majority — 99 percent — of protected wildlife from extinction.

Yet many supposedly protected species are still far from thriving.

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