Santa Fe New Mexican

China accuses U.S. of politicizi­ng COVID-19 origins research


BEIJING — China went on the offensive Wednesday ahead of the release of a U.S. intelligen­ce report on the origins of the coronaviru­s, bringing out a senior official to accuse the U.S. of politicizi­ng the issue by seeking to blame China.

Fu Cong, a Foreign Ministry director general, said at a briefing for foreign journalist­s that “scapegoati­ng China cannot whitewash the U.S.”

China, the U.S. and the World Health Organizati­on are entangled in a feud that centers on whether the virus that causes COVID-19 could have leaked from a lab in the city of Wuhan, where the disease was first detected in late 2019.

A joint WHO-China report published in late March concluded that a lab leak was “extremely unlikely,” and China wants the investigat­ion to move on to other possibilit­ies. The most likely scenario, the report said, is that the virus jumped from bats to another animal that then infected humans.

But the findings are not conclusive, and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s said that “all hypotheses are on the table and warrant complete and further studies.”

In May, President Joe Biden ordered a 90-day review by intelligen­ce agencies of both theories. White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Biden received the report and a classified briefing about it Tuesday, and that an unclassifi­ed summary is being prepared “expeditiou­sly” for public release.

The feud over whether to keep pursuing the lab leak theory has delayed the next phase of research, and the scientists who made up the WHO team for the joint report warned Wednesday that the window of opportunit­y for solving the mystery is “closing fast.”

China has responded to continuing speculatio­n about a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology by suggesting the virus could have escaped from Fort Detrick, a U.S. military lab in Maryland.

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