Santa Fe New Mexican



From The Santa Fe New Mexican:

Aug. 26, 1921: Tarzan is here.

The real friend and companion of apes, lions and elephants in the wild; the jungle king, the marvelous swimmer, diver, climber and practical athlete, who appears in the fifth episode of “The Son of Tarzan” serial of 15 episodes, depicting Tarzan’s adventures as novelized by Edgar Rice Burroughs, is registered at the De Vargas hotel. His name is Kamuela Serie, and his residence is San Diego.

Aug. 26, 1946: There’s a well-kept, modest little adobe house at 514 Oñate street which looks like many other Santa Fe homes. The thing which distinguis­hes it is the sign centering the closely cropped, greenest green lawn: “Maternal Health Center.” Here, hundreds of mothers and mothers-to-be are taught, trained, guided and counseled in helping themselves and helping others to give medical and nursing care as needed. The workers receive in return a humble thanks from those who otherwise would be unable to afford medical attention.

Aug. 26, 1971: Confusion arose again today on the effect of the wage freeze on teachers’ salaries in the nation.

The Associated Press reported from Washington that the government had opened the door a crack to allow most teachers a pay raise this fall.

Aug. 26, 1996: If Gov. Gary Johnson wants proof to back up his claim that switching to privately operated prisons in New Mexico will save taxpayers $40 million annually, he’s not likely to find it in the reams of research papers generated by prison experts around the country.

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