Santa Fe New Mexican

Intimacy is lost after infidelity


Dear Annie: My boyfriend and I have been in a relationsh­ip for 10 years. We’ve had a lot of trials but always managed to hold onto each other and weather the storms. The last major trial was that I cheated on him with one of our best friends. I feel terrible about it; in fact, I think I may have managed to break my heart more than my boyfriend’s.

Anyway, he says he still loves me, and we’re still together. But we no longer share a bed; we no longer share much of anything, honestly, except a roof and a rare romantic night now and then. Should I let him go or just give him more time to truly forgive me? I love this man beyond measure, but if I’m destined to be hurt, I’d like to just get it over with now.

— Guilt-Ridden Boyfriend

Dear Guilt-Ridden: Betrayal hurts. Sometimes it inflicts wounds too deep for either partner to adequately treat on his or her own, no matter how badly they want to make it better. A couples therapist can help you begin the real healing. Make an appointmen­t today.

Dear Annie: Long story short, my husband has one sister who just thinks she can do no wrong. “Kathy” and her husband are very strict with their kids and think we are not strict enough with ours. I hear through the grapevine that Kathy says nasty things about my parenting style. My daughter had a boyfriend when she was 14, and Kathy didn’t approve of that. But as long as her parents (us) know, then what does it matter to her? In my view, Kathy needs to tend to her own family, who are far from perfect — believe me. I just want her to mind her own business and keep her thoughts to herself because what we do at our house is under our roof. No one pays the bills here but my husband, and I couldn’t care less about what others think. Why does she think it’s her place to constantly criticize our family? — Big Sigh

Dear Big Sigh: It’s interestin­g that you say you couldn’t care less what anyone thinks, when your entire letter says otherwise. Quit letting Kathy live rent-free in your head. Ask the messenger to stop relaying her supposed opinions to you. For all you know, this person could be mischaract­erizing her statements just to gin up drama. In any case, you know that you’re taking care of your own, and that’s what matters.

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