Santa Fe New Mexican

Biden asks party to embrace taxes

- By Josh Boak and Kevin Freking

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden has a simple message for fellow Democrats about his plan to raise taxes to remake large swaths of the American economy: Look beyond the bottom line.

Biden is trying to persuade Democrats to embrace a more emotional argument, namely that the plan is fair, that it increases taxes on those who can afford to pay more and spends money on programs targeting children and the middle class.

The president has proposed more than $3 trillion worth of revenue increases, primarily through higher taxes for corporatio­ns and the country’s richest households as well as greater IRS enforcemen­t that would target the wealthy. But key lawmakers voiced doubts this past week about the size and possible impacts on the economy as congressio­nal committees considered the measures and a wide array of business groups sifted through the details to highlight what they oppose.

Interviews with three administra­tion officials suggest the White House is comfortabl­e with settling for a lower price tag as part of the negotiatin­g process, so long as the end result produces a tax system that voters judge as fair. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Democrats are united on this front.

If the playbook of appealing to voters sounds familiar, it was the same strategy used by Biden to cement a bipartisan infrastruc­ture deal earlier this year.

“This is a commonsens­e thing that people agree with,” said Kate Berner, White House deputy communicat­ions director. “They don’t understand why companies can park profits overseas and pay no money in taxes. They don’t understand why a hedge fund manager pays a lower tax rate than a pipefitter. It’s something that people think of as fundamenta­lly broken.”

The administra­tion finds itself grappling with interest groups that the White House views as intentiona­lly misreprese­nting its tax plans in hopes of eroding support. Officials say claims of job losses by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other groups are overblown and fail to consider investment­s in family leave, children, child care, health care and the environmen­t that they believe will help the economy.

Some Democratic lawmakers, including West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, have objected to the amount of spending and the taxes being raised. Manchin early on raised concerns about Biden’s proposal to increase the corporate income tax rate from 21 percent to 28 percent.

“If you’re going to be a leader in the world and the superpower of the world, you better have a competitiv­e tax rate, period,” he said.

While Manchin and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, D-Ariz., both voted for the budget blueprint that allowed Democrats to begin crafting the social programs package, they have made it clear they will not support the proposed top line spending figure of $3.5 trillion over 10 years.

On the House side, Democrats can afford to lose only three votes and still pass the spending bill if the GOP unanimousl­y opposes it, as expected. There have already been early signals of unrest, with Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla., voting against two sections of her party’s bill during a committee hearing this past week, and Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wis., joining her in voting no on one of those votes.

Neil Bradley, executive vice president and chief policy officer at the Chamber of Commerce, said the proposed tax increases are unpreceden­ted but also inadequate to pay for all the programs while complying with Senate rules on budgeting.

“I’ve been doing this for 25 years,” Bradley said. “Based on that experience, it’s my belief that a package of this size collapses under its own weight.”

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