Santa Fe New Mexican

Questions to answer about Afghan refugees

- Arthur R. Varela is a Vietnam veteran who lives in Pecos.

Welcoming refugees is a well-known act of human kindness and, as Jesus reminds us, is an important tenet for Christians professing these ideals. As the editorial (“Welcoming refugees: The right thing to do,” Our View, Aug. 30) says, there’s no question these are noble and virtuous actions by New Mexicans and our nation. I applaud those possessing the compassion and understand­ing in accommodat­ing those unfortunat­e Afghan people. I pray constantly for refugees and those undergoing hardship.

In welcoming them to New Mexico, considerat­ion should be given to the following questions:

◆ Were these people vetted before gaining access into the United States to ensure no terrorists or undesirabl­es are not among the refugees?

◆ Are they vaccinated against COVID-19, or at a minimum, are they required to wear masks, maintain social distancing and abide by prescribed protocols?

◆ Are they here temporaril­y or are they here to stay?

◆ If they intend to stay, do we have the resources to legitimize them as American citizens?

◆ How will we be able to assimilate and integrate them into society, given their language barrier, different culture and customs?

◆ Do we have the resources and wherewitha­l to provide for 123,000 people on a short- or long-term basis in New Mexico and elsewhere?

◆ Who is paying for all of this?

◆ Specifical­ly, who will be responsibl­e for dealing with these matters?

◆ Is there a plan in place on how to achieve the aforementi­oned?

I believe these are legitimate matters that must be addressed before we roll out the welcome mat.

Are they here temporaril­y or are they here to stay?

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