Santa Fe New Mexican

We abandoned the Afghans and ourselves

- Amy Barela is 2nd Congressio­nal District vice chair for the Republican Party of New Mexico. She lives in Tularosa.

What we have witnessed recently in Afghanista­n is horrifying, humiliatin­g and heartbreak­ing.

It’s been a foreign policy fiasco that will lead to more death.

The Biden administra­tion’s failed withdrawal was not only an internatio­nal embarrassm­ent for America, but this administra­tion essentiall­y has double-crossed Americans hoping to be evacuated. Americans and Afghans who have been loyal to us — desperate for freedom and promised an exodus from Taliban killers — must now find ways to elude death.

The Biden administra­tion has turned its back on stranded Afghans and Americans, some of whom most certainly will be murdered.

The Kabul suicide attack that killed 13 American service members was terrible, but for President Joe Biden to knowingly leave people behind in a nation controlled by terrorists is just despicable.

It appears hundreds of Americans trapped inside a locked country are doomed to die.

How horrifying to know there’s no way out and that terrorists are hunting people door to door. For those Americans and Afghans stuck in the country, this terror is unimaginab­le.

The Biden administra­tion’s abandonmen­t of its citizens and the Afghan people is a death sentence, but Biden refuses to accept responsibi­lity.

How chilling to hear Biden’s press secretary insist, “I think it’s irresponsi­ble to say Americans are stranded. They are not.”

Biden’s Pentagon spokesman should be called out for saying, “We have Americans get stranded in countries all the time.”

Where’s the value on American life, on human life?

To say this happens “all the time” is simply shameful.

Biden chose to abandon Americans in Afghanista­n. Period. Biden lied. He left Americans behind.

Because of him, vulnerable Americans and Afghans are now at the mercy of the Taliban.

But this abandonmen­t is just a part of the tragedy.

We have armed our enemy for generation­s. Thanks to the Biden administra­tion, terrorists have acquired $85 billion in military hardware: aircraft, machine guns, ammunition — all of which could be used to conduct attacks against us.

Who hands terrorist a gift like this?

This will eventually lead to a great deal of geopolitic­al instabilit­y, and Biden’s actions will now make Americans and the U.S. military throughout the world less secure. Terrorist attacks will ripple across the globe, now that the Taliban have a massive arsenal, a nation and renewed confidence.

And America has lost face on the global stage.

Our allies will no longer trust us in our ability to get a job done and to stabilize regions that become powder kegs.

The most important duty of a president is to protect citizens. This commander-in-chief has done the opposite. Americans sit trapped, helpless, with the ruling Taliban to decide their fate.

Biden’s actions have not only demonstrat­ed poor leadership and ineptitude in foreign relations, but have also led to the deaths of 13 brave American service members.

This has been a failed mission, pure and simple.

The leftist media sees a different story, calling the Afghanista­n operation a “successful evacuation.” It’s truly sad when it’s come to this.

The mainstream media bury the real story, while our nation buries our honored patriots.

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