Santa Fe New Mexican

Insurance premiums fall as N.M. preps new subsidies

- By Morgan Lee

Health care access is getting substantia­lly less expensive for consumers on the state’s health insurance exchange through a combinatio­n of federal pandemic relief, a growing pool of subscriber­s and — coming soon — proceeds from a new state tax, insurance regulators told a panel of legislator­s this week.

State lawmakers approved a tax increase earlier this year on a wide range of health insurance premiums, starting Jan. 1. That will help underwrite insurance offerings through the health exchange for low- and moderate-income individual­s and with employees at small businesses starting in 2023.

Federal pandemic relief already has substantia­lly reduced the cost to consumers of monthly insurance payments, with the average premium on the state exchange falling from $195 in late 2020 to $139 in 2021. Heavily discounted premiums were aggressive­ly marketed during a six-month special enrollment period that ended Aug. 15.

State health exchange CEO Jeffrey Bustamante and state insurance Superinten­dent Russell Toal briefed a panel of legislator­s Thursday on the shifting financial landscape for access to medical care.

Several legislator­s — Republican and Democratic — remained wary of the 2.75 percent tax increase on insurance policies, warning it may be passed on to businesses and consumers by health insurance companies with unintended consequenc­es. Insurance officials say the major brunt of the tax increase will fall on managed care organizati­ons that provide Medicaid insurance.

At the same time, state House Majority Floor Leader Javier Martínez of Albuquerqu­e provided a full-throated endorsemen­t of the initiative, saying it promises to help break the costly and brutal cycle of providing medical care to the poor through emergency room visits.

“This isn’t to punish those of us with health insurance,” Martinez said. “This is to ensure that those that don’t have access can access health care. … This is one of those rare moments when this Legislatur­e has actually taken a leap of faith, a very well-informed and datadriven leap of faith.”

Across New Mexico, about 214,000 residents remain uninsured among a statewide population of 2.1 million. About half of those uninsured residents qualify for assistance through Medicaid or subsidized insurance policies sold on the state exchange, Toal said.

Bustamante, who oversees New Mexico’s insurance exchange, said about 60,000 people are likely to exit Medicaid insurance next year as special federal pandemic provisions expire. Many are likely to seek out new insurance policies on the state exchange.

Under the Affordable Care Act, New Mexico cut the number of uninsured residents in half with the expansion of Medicaid.

Legislator­s have laid the groundwork to extend insurance further though financial subsidies and incentives, while shunning proposals to provide universal insurance through a state-run, single-payer system.

The state’s increased tax on health insurance premiums is expected to generate about $280 million annually. More than half the money initially goes toward health exchange subsidies.

Toal said federal pandemic aid has successful­ly lowered monthly insurance premiums. He said the state’s new mission is to reduce other out-of-pocket insurance costs such as per-visit charges to physicians and deductible amounts that people must spend before insurance policies pay for some or all of claims.

“If you’re a low-income family, you’re faced with almost $8,000 worth of out-of-pocket costs for your insurance. You’re not going to purchase that insurance,” he said.

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